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  1. amardeep mishra

    Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

    I agree that pak might have stock piled more nukes than india but, as of 2012, india has technological edge over pakistan in missile delivery systems...:)... I know it coz I have seen it myself, beforehand...
  2. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    I guess you are talking about FBRs and not PHWR?
  3. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    Well sir, I have heard, the chairman of NPCIL say that they can very well export the indian phwrs, and he considers them very safe The main problem lies with export of uranium bundles as we ourselves are low on uranium ---------- Post added at 07:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 AM...
  4. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    Four,700mw PHWR are already under construction as of now, and the construction on four more will start soon... Secondly, the 700mw phwr one of the safest in the world, this 700 mw if infact an enlarged version of taps-3,4, and we have good experience, and real time data available for taps, so...
  5. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    Back then we were completing TAPS-3,4, i.e indigenous,550 MWe PWR power plants, and now we are doing 700 mwe reactors
  6. amardeep mishra


    Thanks, for clarification sir, couldn't get his words,,, my bad, btw I'm kinda new here, I'm student of instrumentation and control engineering,2nd year, NIT trichy, ane I love technology especially, nuclear reactors, energy sector, radar engineering etc,
  7. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    Ok ok fine I won't comment, I was commenting because I love reactor engineering...I just wanted to discuss about reactors, thats it...:)
  8. amardeep mishra


    Well what exactly did you mean? I'm not strange btw
  9. amardeep mishra


    well sir,i am very much interested in reactor designs,so i like it,infact i have been doing lil bit of my own research on types of reactors,and have read enormous engineering literature dealing with soviet naval reactor designs
  10. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    @damiendehorn...have a look at this video,this is world's largest "fast breeder reactor",there is no country,excpet perhaps russia where FBRs with power output 550MWe+ are under construction or completed India's Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor core vessel being transported & lowered into Safety...
  11. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    sir,well if this is the matter,then perhaps,BD will have to pay more to russia and korea...when BD can simply ask NPCIL to install,700MWe PHWRs or 550MWe FBRs,at much affordable price, do you know all the key components,like turbines,tubes,pressurizers,pumps will all have to be imported from...
  12. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    well,sir,i think you dont know about NFC(nuclear fuel complex) Nuclear Fuel Complex - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ,it can very well supply the Ur-Zr fuel assemblies to BD,if BD decides to purchase the reactors,and BD will be benefitted more,if it decides to purchase indian FBR,because...
  13. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    well,i dont know what kind of reactors,BD has asked from russia,but if it VVER-1000,then itz gonna be too costly for BD,and in my opinion,BD should rather go for india's 700MWe PHWR,because,of proximity to india(it will save shipment cost of various subsystems,like turbines,tubes,etc)...
  14. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    dear friend,well,a FBR is simply a type of nuclear reactor using,either pu-ur,or th-ur cycles,to generate more fissile materials(The FBR program of India includes the concept of using fertile thorium-232 to breed fissile uranium-233).,indian FBR has a doubling time of 8-10 years which means it...
  15. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    dear brother,i am an electronics,instrumetation and control engineer,i do research in radar engineering and reactor engineering(two very different topics)...:-)...i would be glad to talk to you...:-)
  16. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    @asad... http://www.iaea.org/NuclearPower/Downloads/TWG2009_LWRHWR/prsnt/India.HWR.pdf time to educate yourself about india's nuclear energy plans..though this is 3 year old article,back then india had about 17-18reactors,and 700mw PHWR was on testing phase,but now(as of 2012) four, 700mw...
  17. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    @asad...here is the state of FBR in india-- india became the 6th nation on this planet to indigenously design and develeop FTBR(40mwt) on october 1985.since then the indian FBR project has advanced to that level that,india recently created an agency to patent the technological rights and to...
  18. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    civilian nuclear reactors under the safe guards of IAEA intended for commercial production of electricity DOES NOT come under military items!! and well,i dont deny the sentiments,they are well found at their place,but i was talking in terms of technical capabilities of india and the export...
  19. amardeep mishra

    Bangladesh seeks India`s help to set up nuclear reactor

    With due respect, no body is demoralising BD, secondly, why don't you better delve into india's nuclear reactor engineering reports? It is not advisable to remain in darkness and ignorance India is infact a leader in fast breeder reactor technology
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