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    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    I think it is end of international cricket for Pakistan. There is a lot of criticism goin on about security provided, Taufel in press conference tore apart the security blanket, same is the opinion of other umpires. This is ridiculous. People came and disappeared into Lahore. They knew about...
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    Ajmal Kasab is Pakistani

    Bravo Niaz well said nothing wrong in accepting kasab was Pakistani, in fact there is nothing wrong in introspection and accepting we have to fight extremists not only in Pak but all over South Asia, now this acceptance, denial, sacking of \nda where are we heading for with no respect of a sr...
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    India condemns Israel’s use of force in Gaza

    This is funny now, if Indian govt condemns, they are shedding crocodile tears, if they don't well they are hand in glove with US and ISrael when as a matter of fact it is Pakistan which has got aid of million of dollars from US and strategic support. Some people live in world of conspiracy...
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    Qadhafi slams ‘cowardly’ Arab response to Gaza blitz

    I am sorry but Arab countries will take 100 years to evolve, the people giving them vision are Americans, many top positions are accupied by Americans in their ministry and Arabs rever white skin (needless to say hate baki skin).
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    Pakistan rated second deadliest for press

    Indian press certainly should behave in a mature way, they are still coming up. They even disclosed position of police initially in Bombay attack. Times online says that FBI have refused to share information with India they obtained form communication equipments of terrorists, but have...
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    Stealth Technology in India

    Indians should be thankful to J L Nehru it was his mooted idea which moved Parliament and India came with one of the best technology and management institutes, NASA also has lots of IITians. DRDO is doing great research projects, two years back I read one article on DRDO in Telegraph UK, and...
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    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    Israel is quite a might, it may covertly support India but won't do so openly, but ain't Islamabad getting support from China? Any anyway this news has no basis, only on basis of a sub sighting it makes assumption of Indo Israel tie, sorry but that is ridiculous.
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    Obama Advisor: Pak Terror Groups Worst Threat to US

    Cut ties with US? And what will happen to Pakistan's economy, it is still not in self sufficient mode and would take some time to be in. WHy not rather exploit relation with US to benefit. And it is not only US, UK's chief recently said 3/4th of terror investigations lead to Pakistan. Australia...
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    Israel Bombs Gaza - Hundreds Dead

    Exactly, why can't at least countries like KSA, Iran issue a stern warning to Israel regarding army offensive. It seems they are all scared of Israel. Iran is mediating talks between India and Pak and the state not far away to them is getting bombed. About OIC less said the better it is as...
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    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    @ maximus well said, these days it is important to be politically and diplomatically right. May I said India has an upper hand here. Regards
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    Israel preparing joint strike with India against Pakistan!

    The idea if Israel joining India is too far fetched, Israel has its own serious problems in home. If this happens at all (which wont be the case) China feeling threatened would extend all overt and covert support to Pakistan and war will escalate.
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    Pak can't afford to move forces from 'wild' west: Dawn

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistan "just cannot afford to redeploy" large number of its troops from its “wild” west to its eastern border with India in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks as such a move risks enhanced terrorist activities within the country, leading Pakistani newspapers warned on Sunday...
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