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  1. C

    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    When I read and saw that the civilians in Manawan were cheering our heroic rescue and security forces against the bastard terrorists it made me so happy :pakistan: Alhamdulillah some of the terrorists were captured this time around so inshallah we'll be getting some good intelligence from...
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    Militants shoot down US drone in S. Waziristan: officials

    I live in the US, and I harshly criticize the US foreign policies towards the Muslim world and in particular towards the Middle East/Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan. But I don't do this out of a hatred of America. I am just as harshly critical, if not more so, of what the Pakistani establishment...
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    Militants shoot down US drone in S. Waziristan: officials

    S-2 Pakistan has no desire to see an exclusively Pashtoon government ("Pashtu government" makes no sense) in Afghanistan. What Pakistan has desired is to have atleast the Pashtoon areas of Afghanistan be stabilized and the borders be open and free with Pakistan's Pashtoon areas. The Durand Line...
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    Indian Muslims Brun Pakistan Flag ( looks more like islamic flag than Pakistani)

    It seems there is some controversy on this thread as to who is a Muslim and who isn't, and I've seen some people say that by marrying a Hindu or a Sikh a Muslim becomes a non-Muslim. If someone believes that there is only one God worthy of worship, that He has no partners, and that Muhammad...
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    Pakistan point of view on war crime trial : It’s not the right time

    Nobody denies that war crimes and atrocities took place on both sides. They started with as the article, some AL militants, eventually the PA took action, and the rebels committed atrocities against the PA soldiers and their innocent families, and then things got ugly both sides and India got...
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    Ancient India in the time of the Mahabharata

    I think it is India - mostly Hindus - who seem to reject the Islamic history of India and marginalize it in comparison to the pre-Islamic period. After all, India under Muslim rule was just as Indian as it was under Hindu rule or Buddhist rule etc. Sure, India has the Taj Mahal as a national...
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    To Those who are pro Khilafat

    I look at Pakistan - and all other Muslim states - as just one step on our way towards rebuilding the Khilafat. After the European colonization of the Islamic lands and the secular dismantling of the Khilafat, Muslims have become scattered from west to east. We now have to rebuild and strengthen...
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    India is an epicentre of extremism & terrorism

    No, actually, it's the Western countries who have put these labels on Pakistan and involved Pakistan in the "war on terror", and India takes advantage of the unfortunate position Pakistan is put in by these powerful Western countries. India is only having a good time because powerful countries...
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    israeli holocaust of gaza (Discretion Advised)

    Palestinians dead: 1000+ Israelis dead: 10+ Palestinian international aid: at most, a few million dollars, through various Muslim charities, some of whom have recently been forced to shutdown. Gaza has been a virtual prison. Israeli international aid: $3 billion yearly from the US alone...
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    Motivations behind selecting the name 'India' in 1947

    Pakistan doesn't need to "move" anywhere to "prove" its association to Islam. Neither to the Middle East nor Greater Middle East nor West Asia nor Gulf States nor etc. The Muslim Ummah stretches from the west Atlantic coast of Africa to the Pacific Islands of East Asia, with smaller Muslim...
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    Crisis deepens as India blocks Chenab flow

    We have a valid reason for surgical strikes on Indian dams.
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    do you think it is a good idea to integrate Pakistan and China

    China and Pakistan should not be a single country because of their different ideologies, but we can be very close allies and cooperate in every field nonetheless. Nowadays, I've heard many things about how China's alliance with Pakistan is weakening because of economic cooperation with India...
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    Pakistan parliament passes resolution against Israeli raid

    All it does is make us king of beggars... the slave with a voice. :whistle:
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    Motivations behind selecting the name 'India' in 1947

    Well it depends who you are speaking to. Most Americans would think you are saying you are south Chinese/Japanese/Korean, because they think Asia = China/Japan/Korea :lol:
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    Motivations behind selecting the name 'India' in 1947

    Well, what I'm saying is that [b]true[/i] meaning of Indian is Indian Subcontinental. It includes Pakistan, India (I should say Bharat), Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal. But it's true, today, "India" 99.9% of the time means India the country. But perhaps "Indian" still has a slightly looser...
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    Motivations behind selecting the name 'India' in 1947

    I didn't read all the posts on this thread because it is so long, but I just want to add this to discussion: I do consider myself an Indian, and an Indian Muslim. Not Indian as India the country, but Indian because Pakistan is an Indian country. Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal -...
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    Pakistan parliament passes resolution against Israeli raid

    I'm still waiting for some actual tangible physical aid, like medical supplies, food, petrol, etc to be "passed" to the Egyptian government by the Pakistani government to give to Gaza, instead of passing useless resolutions in the National Assembly! :hitwall:
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    SU-30 Family

    USAF F-15 pilot talking about Indian SU 30 MKI performance at 2008 Red Flag:
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    The Letter of Last resort

    It's a very good and interesting article and I've thought about this a lot myself. Islamically speaking, we know that we cannot justify the mass killing of innocent civilians in any way. So I think the point made in the article, that we can use the threat of mass genocide to prevent an actual...
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    Rice shame-faced by Bush over UN Gaza vote: Olmert

    Well it's no surprise. I saw the video of the UN vote right after it happened, how embarrassing it was that Condi had to abstain from it, saying something about a "long term solution". So the US government is Israel's dog, and Pakistani politicians lick boots of the US politicians. :hitwall:
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