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  1. Sonaris

    1st X Corps Commander

    Thought you might like to have his portrait for the record as displayed in the X Corps Mess. Lt. Gen. Aftab Ahmad Khan (1923 -2011) Commander X Corps 1974-1976
  2. Sonaris

    The General Officers of Pakistan Army

    According to my information Lt. General Rashad Mahmud, presently Commander IV Corps at Lahore could be in the running as well.
  3. Sonaris

    1st X Corps Commander

    Sirs, I thought this of historic significance to bring to your attention that the first X Corps Commander Lt. General Aftab Ahmad Khan P.A. 656 (1/1 Punjab) died of a sudden heart attack in Lahore on July 12, 2011. He was 88. For historic interest, it may be pertinent to mention that the X...
  4. Sonaris

    We're planning to be out of Iraq in 2011. Is that crazy?

    I think with the change in the Iraq strategy emanating from the White House - it is quite conceivable that this deadline might stick. From an economic stand point, it is high time for this level of investment to be 'right-sized' rather than up-sized and should re-route back into the American...
  5. Sonaris

    Treason, terrorism cases against Sufi Muhammad, 7 others

    Serve Sufi Mohammad right. After all the plight of hundreds and thousands of IDP's were just one of the reasons. I'd say reason enough. He is a traitor - and should be punished accordingly.
  6. Sonaris

    Pakistan Forces Check it Out!! (i have made this)

    Good attempt but a bit too busy for my liking.
  7. Sonaris

    Army faces major equipment shortfall.

    Not at all. He obviously has paid his subscription and is privy to post them as long as he quotes the original material and source.
  8. Sonaris

    Pakistan: Will it be Bush's third war?

    It would be unwise to open a new front for the incumbent American Administration to expand the conflict. The rise in cross-border incursions is a clear indicator that they are looking at two elements: 1. The possibility of knocking out a high value personality for the benefit of Mr. Bush's...
  9. Sonaris

    Army faces major equipment shortfall.

    Certainly. I did not mean to cast any negative aspersions on the Jane's products, but merely commenting to keep our minds open to other inputs as well.
  10. Sonaris

    Army faces major equipment shortfall.

    Could not agree more. As a matter of fact fatman17's contributions are exceptional. We must, however, recognize that Jane's does project at times a wishful agenda. Having said that, its imperative for all of us to have all possible information inputs to formulate a thinking process.
  11. Sonaris

    A100 to Pakistan

    Absolutely crucial as the regional conflict in the tribal areas needs appropriate weapons platforms with easier mobility.
  12. Sonaris

    Pakistan Army Small Arms

    Absolutely spot on. According to my information, the options for the 5.56 are being considered and studied at the moment. I think that after the reshuffle at the senior level, Gen. Kayani and his team would be looking at modernizing various elements including the approval of the 5.56 caliber...
  13. Sonaris

    Pakistan files request for $115M refurbishment of AH-1F Cobra attack helicopters

    Interestingly, we did ask for Apaches like metalfalcon mentioned. As a matter of fact the Army Aviation is looking at a complete overhaul.
  14. Sonaris

    Army faces major equipment shortfall.

    I quite agree. These articles are quite interesting and illuminating. To the best of my research on the aid allocation that the amount has been allocated over a period of eight years (just after 9/11). The sum of 10 billion dollars includes aid given to Pakistan after the earthquake as well...
  15. Sonaris

    Pakistan Army promotions

    In continuation of my earlier post of promotions and new postings pertaining to Lt. Generals, here are some additional postings of Lt. Generals completing the reshuffle: Lt. Gen. Athar Hussain is being nominated as Federal Secretary (Defence) Lt. Gen. Imtiaz Hussain is expected to take over...
  16. Sonaris

    Baitullah Mehsud dies

    What a pity that this issue was misreported in the first place.
  17. Sonaris

    Pakistan Army Small Arms

    Thanks for posting the video. Unfortunately, its commentary/description of the weapons are in turkish.
  18. Sonaris

    Talking to the Taliban

    Obviously, Mr. Karzai should get real, rather than offering something to someone who is certainly not on the same page as the rest of the world. Offering this vile fundamentalist who thinks he is some incarnation of the 'Faqir of Ippy' is probably the most uninspiring offer made since the end of...
  19. Sonaris

    Baitullah Mehsud dies

    Could not have put it more eloquently. He was indeed a cancer to our society and should have faced the full force of the law rather than dying of natural causes. His creed has claimed responsibility of causing unnecessary innocent deaths and people who commit such crimes against humanity...
  20. Sonaris

    Pakistan Army Small Arms

    Barring the first soldier (who strangely) displays the Pakistani Flag, don't have any other markings of the Pakistan Army. The camouflage also seems wrong. Perhaps I am mistaken.
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