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  1. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    You are well informed and from you words I can evince that you know what are you talking about (your knowledge on this matter looks focused on the problematic PN experience with cosmos, correct me if I’m wrong), this positively surprise me since there is very few people interested in such a...
  2. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    Excellent, thank you. Egypt been a Cosmos customer during the '60, but I do belive they were just SDVs and they never get our submarines.. Do you know if the designation LR, include the AIP mod? The factory also use another designation to intend the improved range, ER (extended range), but...
  3. Lefa

    Looking for a book!

    Nobody? :what:
  4. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    Cosmos always marketed his products with several different names, the actual designation for PN was SX-908/PA, producer's designation was SX-756S while I've not understood if MG-110 is the upgraded boat designation or its just another market name of the same product. Who performed the mid...
  5. Lefa

    Looking for a book!

    Hello everybody, I'm desperately looking for Rear Admiral (Ret.) Mian Zahir Shah's book, titeld "Sea phoenix: a true submarine story", PN Book Club, 2005, ISBN 9698318046. The hunt its not easy to me since I do live in Italy, til now I've contactd progressivebooks.net, and they told me that this...
  6. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    Great man, thank you! Keep on the good job! So, if I got it straight, only the 3th boat have the aspect of the picture above? or maybe all 3 boats been upgraded at this level? Thank you! [edit] Are you sre mate about this name? PNS LARKANA looks like its a missile boat .. I'm sayng this...
  7. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    Ups...my bad.. I'm pretty sure that your info about outer torpedo tubes its correct, maybe thats why I've read somewhere that since '95 the tubes are doubled (2 up on the pressure hull inside the light hull and 2 under and external the hull as shown in the red circles od this picture). Thank...
  8. Lefa

    a New Stealth Submarine?

    Actually you was talking about generic ssk, but turn it as you want (I wont quote your first message again). From this page of ping-pong I can evince, friendly, that you've learned what an AIP is yesterday, you was not even aware that submarines can run on diesel while submerged, cmon'... You...
  9. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    Thank you so much, looking forward for this juicy informations, I cant wait!;) Lets go deeper with pictures comparison. In this pic we see N°3 boat (original SX-756 design), the same project as the N°2 boat that I've posted above. As you can see, the upper part of the light hull its...
  10. Lefa

    a New Stealth Submarine?

    Dear Penguin, lets begin another white page, I've nothing against you, I love The Netherlands and Dutch people :cheers: That said, what its not stil clear to you (my bad), is that ITS NOT TRUE that submarine does not runs on diesel engine while submeged, and I'm NOT talking about snorkeling. I...
  11. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    I think arsalanaslam was in good faith, after all, it was a quote from globasecurity.org, not thesun.uk :cheers: Here we go with two juicy pictures, a launch in Karachi and a midget in navigation during a celebration (I forget which one): Both boats are from the early design, built...
  12. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    Thats a factory option, indeed. These submarines used to have (I'm talkin with past because Cos.Mo.S. (Costruzioni Motoscafi Sottomarini - Underwater Motorboard Construction) went in default in 2003 after some problems with export) several lodaout options, like external torpedo tubes (2), mine...
  13. Lefa

    PN mini-submarine fleet

    Thank you for this assist! These submarines were designed to carry E14 and E15 533 torpedoes, produced by Sintra Alcatel (now in DCNS). To be noted, that this weapon its not dual purpose, the E version got anti ship capabilities, so for many years these plattforms were not ssk capable. This...
  14. Lefa

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    I'm reading now, in the magazine "Navires & Histoire", n.61, LELA PRESSE, ago/sep 2010, that Pakistan signed a contract with the chinese government for the supply of 4 submarines "Yuan" class (2000t) of which one or two to be built in Karachi and three or four to be built in chinese shipyards...
  15. Lefa

    a New Stealth Submarine?

    I'm not going to reply you anymore quote by quote, you are closed and not willing to a constructive dialog (you just try to defend til death your wrong statemens, climbing mirrors and giving to the forum wrong informations). I'm not tryng to convince you, I do argument, I do bring engineering...
  16. Lefa

    Naval History

    Hello everybody, I'm reviving this topic to avoid posting a new one. I wont hide that I'm here in this forum in order to collect some informations about your italian midget submarines. On this theme, I'm desperately looking for Admiral (Ret.) Mian Zahir Shah's book, titeld "Sea phoenix: a...
  17. Lefa

    a New Stealth Submarine?

    Yes its not verifiable (like most of things when dealing with Israel), I wont to convince anyone, that’s just what I know, trust it or not. Thank you for this specs recaps, what are meant for? Fom this infos you can evince Dolphin and 212 compares. I cannot understand your statement...
  18. Lefa

    Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

    Quoted, right now, thats the most cost/effective solution. PEM systems are damn efficent but there are also other good AIP systems out there, less sofisticated. Why you guys are so attracted from these nuke subs? You dont need nuclear power in order to suit your needs, nations that are...
  19. Lefa

    DCNS Wins Sub Contract With Pakistan

    A little question about something I've forget: Pakistani Agosta 90Bs are MESMA AIP equiped? Thank you
  20. Lefa

    a New Stealth Submarine?

    As far as I know, my informations, that comes from real life submariner with whom I have the pleasure to talk every day, says that the submarine known as Dolphin (Irsraeli designation, germans uses numbers as project designations) is the project 211, 212’s grandpa. Of course my...
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