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  1. v9s

    Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

    O RLY? 10char blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
  2. v9s

    Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

    You have a really jaded (ha ha) view of Muslims. Stop painting every Muslim with the same brush.
  3. v9s

    Donors willing to finance Kalabagh Dam, A dire need When Basha Dam delayed

    Wadera is the Urdu term for a feudal landlord/landowner.
  4. v9s

    Pakistan's Inherent Strength

    I hope this happens soon.
  5. v9s

    50 JF-17 from china delivery started

    These are the Block-2's I think.
  6. v9s

    US drone attack kills 5 in Miranshah

    Konsa pressure tactic? These gandu taliban are wreaking havoc all over Pakistan. We need to take these motherf*ckers out. One main reason PA is reluctant is because they want to be assured that the ISAF/NATO will prevent the taliban rats from crossing the border to their hovels in Afghanistan.
  7. v9s

    Anti Semitic leader is a Jew himself.

    LOL reminds me of this skit:
  8. v9s

    US drone attack kills 5 in Miranshah

    Good. The only good taliban is a dead taliban.
  9. v9s

    Pakistan | Roads, Motorways & Highway Infrastructure.

    Yes. Google maps or use Sygic Pakistan for offline navigation. Sygic also has POI.
  10. v9s

    US must seal Afghan border for Waziristan push: Pakistani official

    ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has told Washington that US forces must seal the Afghan border in the event of any offensive against the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani network in North Waziristan, an official said Saturday. The Haqqanis, blamed for some of the deadliest attacks in Afghanistan and whose leaders...
  11. v9s

    Water car: Engineer sues doctor for ‘trying to undermine’ his invention

    FBRs only increase efficiency (compared to other reactors)...they don't create energy. When they talk about FBRs being able to create more fuel than they consume, they're talking about creating, or breeding (the correct term) more fissile material. After the initial charge of fissile material...
  12. v9s

    Indian Air Force Stations.

    In an idealistic world, your comment might have had a hint of truth. Are you really that naive?
  13. v9s

    Indian Air Force Stations.

    Back when Israel attacked the Iraqi nuclear installations, they acquired satellite imagery of those areas, even though they had no satellites of their own back then. It was later revealed that the US provided them with those sat images...now i'm hoping you can connect the dots here in...
  14. v9s

    Pakistanis do not want to spend time in Pakistan

    Oh please. Only Gujrat has a power surplus. Rest of the Indian states suffer from loadshedding. Only major Indian cities have minimal loadshedding...wonder what the situation is in the rural areas. On-Topic: The reasons given for not visiting Pakistan are just stupid BS. Some Pakistanis are...
  15. v9s

    Pakistan has a clear advantage in nuclear capability

    What if the poison has no antidote and has long lasting damaging effects on the body?
  16. v9s

    Pakistan has a clear advantage in nuclear capability

    Yeah, but what if you cut that hand with a poisoned blade?
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