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  1. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia records world's highest scientific growth

    Yeah, our indian friends can then become true disciples of the Saudi brand of 'Islam' and create job opportunities for mother india. I'm sure the despotic friends of democratic india will love this.
  2. T-Rex


    Yep, in the end these so-called champions of secularism succumb to the religious factor. Isn't that interesting?
  3. T-Rex

    China nuclear tests prompt Uighur campaign.

    I guess we're friends then, but again, my 'superior' wit tells me something else! I just couldn't ignore my 'superior' wit, could I?;) Next five years, that's what I thought, unless of course, uncle sam and its tentacle in South Asia have something against it.
  4. T-Rex

    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    It will definitely be good for Iran.
  5. T-Rex

    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    Impractical approach, at least when there's so much mistrust between the shia and sunni community. There has to be a new body comprised of trustworthy members from both communities. Or else it is better not to talk about it at all.
  6. T-Rex

    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    Brother, I thought Iran had around forty Mig 29s. I could be wrong.
  7. T-Rex

    Iran upgrades 100 MiG 29 fighter jets

    Does it matter what we want? What matters is what those despots in the Muslim states, raised by the west, want? They don't want it, so, end of the story.
  8. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia records world's highest scientific growth

    You wouldn't be able to tell, not in this life. It's too complicated for you!
  9. T-Rex

    Can There Ever Be Peace Between India And Pakistan?

    Now, we know what you consider as sane minds and that is the most disturbing part for sane people. Sane people don't have warmongers like netaniyahu as friends. The choice was always india's and she always prefers conflict over peace. So, the argument for so-called peace stops there.
  10. T-Rex

    China nuclear tests prompt Uighur campaign.

    China should seriously think about neutralizing india before confronting the US. In South Asia india has become the most reliable tentacle of the zionazis that reaches out as far as South China Sea.
  11. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    We understand why you see the right as wrong and the wrong as right. You can't hide that with your 'debate' crap!
  12. T-Rex

    'Flawed US plan for war with China may spark nuclear strikes'

    China should work for a friendly govt. in Bangladesh, the one in Bangladesh right now is in the pocket of Delhi. Then it can ask BD to lease the Saint Martin.
  13. T-Rex

    Saudi Arabia records world's highest scientific growth

    I believe those researches are done mostly by the hired american and british scientists in SA. Some scientific progress!:lol:
  14. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    You were always 'right' and that's why you became a high school drop out to begin with. As I said, your brain is too primitive to see the difference between right and wrong.
  15. T-Rex

    Christian Terrorism in America

    Power of hatecore music to recruit young Date August 11, 2012 James Dao, Serge Kovaleski Grief and questions … women at a candlelight vigil in Oak Creek, near Milwaukee, for those who were shot at the Sikh Temple there. Photo: AP Photo/Milwaukee Journal-Senti MILWAUKEE...
  16. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    China doesn't need to do a damn thing, it has already been done. Uncle sam's economy is broke, only the braying morons think that it can still call the shots in the international arena. Like most of your compatriots you must be a high school drop out, the condition of your mother tongue tells...
  17. T-Rex

    Mossad’s deputy head ASSASSINATED !

    It is because the revelation or admission by israel will only embarrass israel, crying 'terrorism' won't work because by now the world knows that israel is committing terrorism in Iran.
  18. T-Rex

    Russia May Withdraw Support for Iran over S-300 Lawsuit

    This 'sucking' business is best done by your fat, corrupt and lecherous despots. So, Shut the fvck up!
  19. T-Rex

    New York Declares War on Iran

    You clearly have Al Qaeda connection, your avatar tells us that. I always believe that Al Qaeda is a CIA trained false flagger.
  20. T-Rex

    Time for sanctions against the USA

    Your avatar shows that you're a terrorist trained by the CIA. The time is coming, the time is coming, the arrogance of your nefarious state will be taken care of!
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