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  1. J

    Chinese general warns of nuclear risk to US

    we have been able to hit by our land-base icbm to us since last ventury 80s'. but not effectively enough. it is 40th anniversaries of china strategical missle troop this year. china announced formally her abilities to hit anywhere in the world by icbm.
  2. J

    Chinese general warns of nuclear risk to US

    thanks. my e-mail account: **EDITED** or msn: **EDITED**...
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    the 4th gen fighter jets are still be kept secret. from the published articles and research reports, i just can say: 1. china had broken through and mastered the stealth coating. 2. china had broken through and mastered the technology of vector engine. 3. china had made the tests in its...
  4. J

    CHINA- emerging Superpower

    india should know more about china's development and policy and has its standpoint. do not just follow perspectives of us and japan. us does wish to see a powerful china, does us wish to see a powerful india? us will benefit from the conflicts between china and india. so what we do?
  5. J

    China new helicopter Z-10 revealed

    thank you for your compliments. it seems you know something about china's past and nowsdays. current china results from generations of chinese people's efforts. we are very lucky to have the wise leaders such as mr. mao, mr.deng, mr. jiang and mr. hu in the course of our development. we still...
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    China new helicopter Z-10 revealed

    i love pakistan:flag: too. if you have chance to visit guangzhou, china, i will do the honor.:P
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    fc-1 3D view

    谢谢。thanks a lot
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    fc-1 3D view

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    JF17 versus MKI

    i know less about india and would like to have a chance to know more....
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    fc-1 3D view

    not bad. i wish to have more...
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    JF17 versus MKI

    could you let me know the indian's opinion about the possibilities of the conflict or warfare between china and india in future and the possible action of indian government to the best of your knowledge. it is just my personal interest.
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    JF17 versus MKI

    i am a chinese
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    JF17 versus MKI

    are you an indian?
  14. J

    China new helicopter Z-10 revealed

    z-10 is the first gunship for PLA army.in some measures, Z-10 is the china's ah-64 or mi-28. of course, the former is not as powerful as them. :P
  15. J

    At last Pakistan is getting J-10

    :P there are at least 5 new models of chinese stealth jets under research and pre-design by 601, 611 and another institute for PLAA's bid. 601 will post 2 heavy jets, and 611 2 (light or medium) jets. another one posts furture stealth bomber.
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    At last Pakistan is getting J-10

    ok. :angel:
  17. J

    At last Pakistan is getting J-10

    hehe, J-10 is not to replace J-6 and J-7. its fc-1's job. J-10 is to replace J-8II and probably su-27sk. the order quantity for j-10 is more than su-27sk, and will be much more in next 5 years. :P
  18. J

    At last Pakistan is getting J-10

    the latest news from my friend in xi'an institute which i am sure it is ture, it is impossible for j-10 to be sold abroad before 2010.
  19. J

    J-10 compare with fc-1(photo)

    sorry for a mistake. the phantom-2000 shall be mirage-2000.
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