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  1. R

    Fourth T-50 Stealth Fighter Flies

    The biggest problem is the direct visibility of reactor blades. Allother problems can be easily overcome by the russians,till the production version. anyway guys what is the status of "independent control" of thrust vector engine?
  2. R

    Afghans asks India trucks, light mountain artillery, close air support etc

    After the apache & chinook deal india should press the americans to make sure that at least 2 squads of lca mark2 to be inducted in afghan af, otherwise india will prefer those super heavy mil's
  3. R

    Navy orders 8 tejas fighter jets

    Slow but progressing. Also navy is better than te other 2. At present more important for hal is to develop the technologies related to production & manufacturing (quickly).
  4. R

    How Google Avoided USD 2 Billion in Taxes

    basically scroogle is trying 2 play smartas*
  5. R

    F-35 Running into more problems as Canada cancels its order

    If 2of the partner countries of jsf cancel the jsf purchase indefinitely, & induct stealthy rhino (with weapon bay), it will be a major win for fgfa.
  6. R

    F-35 Running into more problems as Canada cancels its order

    The main culprit in the whole f-35 project is the stovl model. The inclusion of this b-model makes it a true money sucking machine
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