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  1. C

    Zaid Hamid: BrassTacks-Enlightening the Current Scenario in Pakistan

    He seems to be another Suleiman Rushdie in making on CIA payroll. His way of speaking is irritating and his goals are to announce himself a 'Khalipah' in near future. Those who remember the past of Tahir ul Qadri, Dr. Israr, Madoodi and Suleiman Rushdie can see many similarities with this...
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    Zardari's Frozen Bank Accounts contained 1.5b USD - US Senate Confirmed

    :bounce::chilli::victory::flame::smitten::smitten::taz: good day ahead
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    Zardari's Frozen Bank Accounts contained 1.5b USD - US Senate Confirmed

    LOlz.......you are intresting person, I did not expected such fun dealing with Pakistani intellectuals. Well, I am not a Pakistani even but yes, I do have some business intrests in Pak. I do expect you to tender a public appology from respected readers here (and I hope you will do so if...
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    Zardari's Frozen Bank Accounts contained 1.5b USD - US Senate Confirmed

    You yourself assumed that it might reach 1.5 Billion....as there is no mention in report.......intresting! Some moderator please change the title of this thread which is completely misleading and mere a speculation which contradicts the report itself.
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    Zardari's Frozen Bank Accounts contained 1.5b USD - US Senate Confirmed

    NO MENTION of US$ 1.5 Billion in entire report! How did you came to calculation which reaches 1.5 Billion $ while his accounts were capped at US$ 40 MIllion and Bank refused to enhance limit to 60 Million? Zardari's own several sugur mills, cinemas, development projects, agricultural lands...
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    Pakistan: A Revolution, A civil War or a United States Sponsored Terrorism?

    Musharraff: A Neo-Con Agent? islamabadobserver.wordpress.com A perception is systematically being spread in West about Pakistan being a nursery for terrorists and with the recent unrest in Tribal regions of Pakistan, the western media has started a campaign to prove that a ‘civil war’...
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    آج سرحد سے پنجاب و مہران تک تم نے مقتل سجائے ہی&#1722...
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    The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged - Z. A. Bhutto

    The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged - Z. A. Bhutto The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged - Z. A. Bhutto | Teeth Maestro The dictator is the one animal who needs to be caged; He betrays his profession and his constitution. He betrays the people and destroys...
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    An open letter to Begum Pervez Musharraf and wives of army officers

    My question; how can army sell her own people? An open letter to Begum Pervez Musharraf and wives of army officers http://www.teeth.com.pk/blog/2008/08/01/open-letter-to-begum-musharraf Posted by SilenceAugust 1, 2008 Guest Post by Silence Dear Begum Pervez Musharaff, I...
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