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  1. PakmanUSA

    Guns in US are like religion

    The Idea of the people being armed is two fold. The 2nd Amendment says. " A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The first part deal with states being in control of the militia ( state...
  2. PakmanUSA

    There are also Christian extremists!

    Well, one only has to look at history to see the facts. The Catholic Church forced it's "religion" on folks at one point. They burned people at the stake and murdered them. Some were murdered when they didn't accept the "teachings" of the church. Many folks fail to remember that. Also. Here in...
  3. PakmanUSA

    Biggest sniper rifle ever.....

    Well he has a short nose... So... I'll say it's compensation for his nose. LOL Honestly... If the barrel allows all the powder to burn, this would cause the round to be much more effective. I guess this is why... I learned about it in my studies in fire arms design. The concept is known as...
  4. PakmanUSA

    British sniper kills six Taliban fighters with a single bullet: Rifle round triggers explosive vest

    I know when I was in the Army... They use to tell us, "One round can get you all." I guess they were right! LOL
  5. PakmanUSA

    US won’t give leftover military hardware to Pakistan

    I'm shocked at the fact they have even offered them to Pakistan. Here in the US. A lot of the police are being armed like the military! It's out of control. America has become more like what the Communists were like back during the Cold War! So I hope Pakistan get the equipment!
  6. PakmanUSA

    New US embassy in Islamabad to get $400,000 camel sculpture

    America is nothing but a place they wastes money! Hell America gives more money to Israel that what it spends on our educational system from what I know! Yeah, I agree some Jihadi will see the camel and be so distracted he'll forget why he's there! Until the timer goes off! LOL
  7. PakmanUSA


    Funny post!
  8. PakmanUSA

    Share your super natural experiences

    I've had so many I couldn't give them all. Seriously. I hold a certification in Parapsychology and often invesitgate claims of ghosts and hauntings. Somethings can be explained, but there's a lot that can not as well. Something a lot of folks can experience is recording the voices of the...
  9. PakmanUSA

    is this Pakistani made sniper gun?

    As far as I know the AR-10 was never a standard weapon in the US Military. I do believe they are still in use in a few countries in Central and South America. The US Military did use the M-14 7.62x51 for a while. Last time I checked there were a few still in service as a medium range sniper's...
  10. PakmanUSA

    Israel attempts to stop S-300 air defense supplies to Iran

    Huuum, for every measure there is or will be a counter measure. So if Iran obtains this system something will be developed to defeat it or at least reduces it's abilitity as an effective weapon.
  11. PakmanUSA

    Red Mosque Cleric Abdul Aziz warns of 'bloody revolution'

    Perhaps they leave him alone so they can capture the ones who are willing to take action. There must be some logical reason they allow him to continue to preach?
  12. PakmanUSA

    Happy 4th of July!!!

    Happy 4th to everyone!
  13. PakmanUSA

    Bush admits responsibility for 9/11!!!

    Was that Bush without makeup?......
  14. PakmanUSA

    How to detect and neutralize a suiciden bomber

    History has proven over and over if these people are dead set on blowing something up they will find a way to pull it off.
  15. PakmanUSA

    How Muslims Are Treated In USA: ABC primetime

    I think most people in America have an understanding. That understanding is no matter what you believe there really are no true Americans except those who were here first. Most of us here have family members from the recent past who came from another country and settled here.
  16. PakmanUSA

    The Truth about War on Terror

    The international bankers as always.
  17. PakmanUSA

    Video Of Taliban Terror In Pakistan

    I remember reading in a news paper about the attack in the Tonkin Bay. The article was written or at least narated by one of the Navy pilots who was dispached to protect the ship which claimed to be under attack. When he arrived at the scene, there were not boats in the area or evidence to prove...
  18. PakmanUSA

    BRAZIL PRESIDENT 'White People Caused The Credit Crunch'

    I guess he meant the international bankers who are really in control of it all?
  19. PakmanUSA

    Happy Republic Day

    Thanks for the history. God bless you all and the Nation of Pakistan.
  20. PakmanUSA

    AK-47 No. 1 rifle...

    By the way my British friend is right. COST is a big factor. I remember using the M-16A1 the hand gaurds were junk to say the least. The new M-16s still must be kept clean but the weapon is more durable. In the begining the M-16 was listed as a self cleaning rifle if I recall rightly. Kept clean...
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