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  1. C

    IAF : Shrinking fleet , shrinking responsibility too ?

    And that is most applicable to China!
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Its an independent move and cannot be questioned. Many reasons account for this move and they all are defensive not offensive reasons. So it won't be appropriate to question this move.
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    Turkey Vs. India.

    Indian pilots are the best, even better trained than the US ones.. Plz dont just keep posting trash with out any proofs. Indian Pilots are Superior to American Pilots Watch the whole vid and then reply. India spends more on quality as i have said and less on numbers. It's the mental...
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    7500 Bangladeshis arrested in Delhi

    ah sorry. :cheers:
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    7500 Bangladeshis arrested in Delhi

    Stopping immigrants from other countries would only harm international ties and our image. There are many students from Africa,south america who come here to study. Therefore, making specific laws for a section of immigrants would be biased.
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    7500 Bangladeshis arrested in Delhi

    The Delhi Police arrested and deported more than 7,500 Bangladeshi people illegally staying in Delhi over last five years, data collected from various districts across the national capital as reply to an RTI query has revealed. The figure of 7,882 Bangladeshi persons arrested does not include...
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    7500 Bangladeshis arrested in Delhi

    The Delhi Police arrested and deported more than 7,500 Bangladeshi people illegally staying in Delhi over last five years, data collected from various districts across the national capital as reply to an RTI query has revealed. The figure of 7,882 Bangladeshi persons arrested does not include...
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    Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

    I have studied about it a lot. You don't need to tell me. What facts do u have which are against my statement? :smokin:
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    Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

    Sense is something i have found missing in many chinese members.. Saying"in response to my chinese friends" is a sign of maturity and respect for others. Something that all Indians possess. Bhagwan tera bhala karey! :)
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    Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

    A simple conclusion. China is calling for its loss if it rages war with India.(economic loss) India is a major major market for Chinese goods and the war will certainly shut that market,resulting in a big blow to Chinese economy. On the other hand, India wouldn't loose much regarding its economy...
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    Clueless on China

    Here i bet, THERE is going to be absolutely no war between India and China. A war will be a severe loss to both the nations who are in the race to the top of the world. War will damage the aspirations of both nations to develop and reach the platform of a developed country. So peace is the way...
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    Clueless on China

    A war is China's loss in economic status. There is no doubt if China strikes India,India will repel strongly and a full fledged war will cause blood shed. China is not like USA, which can dictate or easily win over us. War means, no Chinese goods in India,which is probably the largest market...
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    Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

    We survive on water by Brahmaputra?Do we? :lol: Build the dam and the Tibetans who are already fed up of irritating China will break it out :rolleyes::lol:
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    Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

    LOL,Well said China has still lots of people living in poverty. It has to handle those first and then think of being the world's future.' :lol:
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    Chinese aggression is good for India's Defence

    Hope you will post sensibly soon.. :lol:
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    India's secret project in Himalayas?????

    You enjoy your life in NZ buddy, We ll stay here, work for our nation. At least don't condemn.
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    India's secret project in Himalayas?????

    Indians making fun of their own project or news of the project... Can't expect anything worse than that.
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    India's secret project in Himalayas?????

    Tell me , what is so funny in this thread? You know the Large Hadron Collider? Scientists from around the world were working on it for years. But when did it become news?Only when it was about to be started. So there is nothing funny and who knows whats cooking inside the Himalayas..:azn:
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    India's secret project in Himalayas?????

    Some people are making fun of it. You shouldn't make fun of something until you are sure of the same. :cheers:
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    Engineering questions and Answers, Engineers please visit

    Those doing mechanical, answer this one! What is the back pressure of a locomotive steam engine?
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