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  1. M

    Israeli Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Nuclear Weapon Race in Middle East?.

    Israeli Nuclear Program should be CAP Israel must not be allowed to have Nuclear Weapons because they are simply Jewish is the first reason and the hollacaust they have created throughout these years.Iran must have Nukes to put Israeli's on submission Jews must leave our land its only Palestine...
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    Suspected U.S. drone hits militant nest in Pakistan

    every US drone attack will be replied in Afganistan :toast_sign:
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    Pak survived after 26/11 due to nukes: Expert

    after 26/11 when intruders came to Pakistan thinking of misadventure i would say India survived because of its Nukes because the role India is playing in Malakand,Indian consulates in Afganistan and Balouchistan insugency trust me any misadventure wont be pretty for Indians Pakistan armed forces...
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    911 is a Lies ??

    9/11 was carried out to fullfill CIA's stragic postion and scare the world about Muslims = Terrorist and Jewish lobby was behind it.
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    Passing ISSB for Ground Forces

    i took the ASVAB for Marines failed it misrably you need 31 and i got 18 need to work on it and take it again.
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    90 percent area in Pakistan still safe for tourists: Dutch expert

    isnt the same Dutch people hated throughout the history of burning Quran's.....suprising statement from so called "dutch expert"
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    Should Pakistan recognize Israel?

    i cant believe how many people said YES we should reconginze actually Masjid AL-Aqsa in Jeruslem thats our 3rd holiest place and we should make an attemp to take it back from Kuffar's and killed thousands of innocent Palestinian Childers you guys need some serious history lessons.
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