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  1. ayesha.a

    Birth anniversary of Dr. Abdus Salam

    Let me try to give an idea of why Dr Abdus Salam's work is held in such high regard. His greatest contribution to the field of physics was "electroweak unification". That is, he demonstrated theoretically how electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force are in reality the same thing, two...
  2. ayesha.a

    BJP questions ‘shift’ in defence procurement policy

    Since when did calling somebody "woman" become an insult? I know that Indian society is extremely misogynistic, but have we really come to the level where the word "woman" itself is an insult?
  3. ayesha.a

    How Come India has Muslims?

    Kicked out by who? Pakistan may have been formed as an Islamic country, but India did not decide to become a hindu republic - it decided to become a secular nation, like most democracies of the time. If India had decided to become a hindu republic, then a lot more muslims, Christians, jains...
  4. ayesha.a

    Indian Helicopter Discussion

    Before the male chauvinist brigade pounces in on this and diverts the core of the issue, let me clarify. Women are not in general as tough PHYSICALLY as men. I'm assuming you meant physical toughness and strength. However, most combat roles do not require soldiers to be as tough as a para...
  5. ayesha.a

    Indian Helicopter Discussion

    That's a patronizing attitude. That choice should be left to the women who join the IAF - who are volunteers just like the men. It is not just women who can be treated badly by the enemy - remember what happened to Saurabh Kalia? What happened to squadron leader Ajay Ahuja? Now these men joined...
  6. ayesha.a

    Indian Helicopter Discussion

    Pakistan air force already has women in combat roles, even flying fighter jets. In this matter, it is India that is playing catch up.
  7. ayesha.a

    Amar Jawan memorial vandalism

    Does it occur to you that most Indian muslims actually want to live in India and not in pakistan, and that they have as much a right to live as Indians as you do? That neither you nor anybody else has the right to send people away from India on the basis of religion? Before thinking of asking...
  8. ayesha.a

    Kareena won't convert to Islam to marry fiance Saif

    @alok31: Is there a link, or are you quoting from memory?
  9. ayesha.a

    30 muslims clear civil service exams ----Emerged toppers

    No, thats not the IAS website, thats a blogspot address. It is a link run by somebody that makes money by adverts. Blogspot is a popular website where people can blog.
  10. ayesha.a

    PM picks Army chief who will accept Siachen pact

    Utter BS. The army chief is not picked at will by the PM. Bikram Singh would have been army chief, whether MMS liked it or not. He is appointed by seniority alone. And what makes the author think Bikram Singh is likely to want to withdraw from Siachen? Has he made any statement to that effect...
  11. ayesha.a

    ‘India On Par With Others in Electronic Warfare’

    What is wrong with you, man? The arudhra is in active service with the IAF, as was pointed out to you on the very first page. http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/112380-drdo-developed-arudhra-aesa-radar-inducted-iaf.html...
  12. ayesha.a

    30 muslims clear civil service exams ----Emerged toppers

    You mean the blogspot page you put up. I'm sure the official IAS page (if there is such a thing) won't put a headline like this.
  13. ayesha.a

    IAF targets 42 fighter aircraft squadrons (840 fighter aircraft)

    There is no way the 21s can go on till 2020, the IAF plans to retire every single one of them by 2017 (and all non bison ones by 2015). If there are delays in FGFA, that will be made up by an additional 63 Rafales, which wasn't included in the list you replied to. That additional 63 is a...
  14. ayesha.a

    BSF women constables awarded for valour

    Most of the reasons for not allowing women in combat are because of the male chauvinistic culture. Concerns of how to make a large number of men and women share the same living space (housing, toilets etc) in wartime conditions, how to ensure that the women don't suffer harassment from male...
  15. ayesha.a

    BSF women constables awarded for valour

    There are many reasons cited, one of them being cultural prejudices - many men would be uncomfortable taking orders from a woman. (That is a bogus excuse in my opinion, they should just learn to deal with it.) But there are other factors that cannot be ignored, like how to ensure safety of women...
  16. ayesha.a

    BSF women constables awarded for valour

    Yea I knew it. You are so embarassed by the topic of this thread that you want to derail it by completely off topic posts about sarabjit singh and afzal guru.:lol: I would urge others not to fall for that typical bait. Nope. Only in support roles, like the Medical corps, Engineers, Signals...
  17. ayesha.a

    BSF women constables awarded for valour

    If it was an accidental crossing (as you yourself said), I don't think he should be hanged. But if he tried to cut the border fencing surreptitiously and charged at armed border guards when accosted, then he would have been shot dead too. That's not what happened with him at all, so don't bring...
  18. ayesha.a

    BSF women constables awarded for valour

    Him being a smuggler is a real possibility, but not the other two. Someone who lost his way shouldn't be stupid enough to try to cut the fencing on the world's most volatile border, or to charge at armed troopers - he could just ask them the way. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about him being a...
  19. ayesha.a

    BSF women constables awarded for valour

    What is the "it" in that part of the sentence? Unless you are saying it was a gun, or any other long range weapon, you can connsider them to be unarmed against BSF troopers with rifles. Of course any physical object can kill, but thats not what we mean when we say armed. Line-men of the...
  20. ayesha.a

    IAF's request to joint Malabar exercise turned down

    It's not USA that dictates what our forces can or cannot do. Just because your armed forces dance to the tune set by the white house doesn't mean that our armed forced have to behave that way. It's the MoD that sets the agenda for our forces. In this case also, it was the Indian ministry of...
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