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  1. Major Shaitan Singh

    Moscow Warms Up To Islamabad

    Word from Islamabad is that the Pakistan Army’s Chief of the Army Staff, Gen Ashfaq Pervez Kayani, will be visiting Moscow in the coming days, following which Russian President Vladimir Putin will make a two-day official visit to Pakistan starting October 2, during which Putin will meet his...
  2. Major Shaitan Singh

    South Korea to resume Iranian oil imports

    SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The South Korean government and the country’s largest refiner SK Energy Co. said Iranian oil imports will be resumed next month. South Korea got a six-month exception in June to US penalties for importing Iranian oil after Seoul reduced those imports. But South...
  3. Major Shaitan Singh

    New Explosive More Powerful than Current Military Technology

    Borrowing a technology used to improve the effectiveness of drugs, scientists are reporting discovery of a new explosive more powerful than the current state-of-the-art explosive used by the military, and just as safe for personnel to handle. Adam Matzger, from the Univ. of Michigan, and...
  4. Major Shaitan Singh

    First Sikh to command a Rergiment in the CF

    Harjit Sajjan found military service to be the best way to fulfill the requirements of his religion. It was during his first deployment to Afghanistan in 2006 that Harjit Sajjan distinguished himself. A major in the British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught’s Own), Sajjan took time off...
  5. Major Shaitan Singh

    What happened to Iraqi tanks from Sadam era

    The peshmerga, however, represent a formidable challenge to the Iraqi army. The Kurds have 100,000 troops, better weaponry and experienced leaders, the official said. "After 2003, they captured the former Iraqi army tanks. About 4,000 tanks left by the former Iraqi army in the streets and...
  6. Major Shaitan Singh

    Pakistan Navy’s shelling of Dwarka in 1965 War

    This story is false and made up, does not have any facts to prove it. Did Gazi really blocked bombay Port WIKI Indian Naval activity in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 largely involved coastal patrols. During the war, the Pakistani Navy attacked the Indian coastal city of Dwarka, although there...
  7. Major Shaitan Singh

    J-8F Scout. It is equipped with SAR (Syntheitc Apeture Radar)

    J-8F Scout. It is equipped with SAR (Syntheitc Apeture Radar):
  8. Major Shaitan Singh

    Vietnam People's Army pictures

    Su-30Mk2 from Yen The Squadron
  9. Major Shaitan Singh

    Photos of the Russian Armed Forces

    Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Russian Air Force
  10. Major Shaitan Singh

    Israel Defense Forces

    IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz participates in an exercise in a course for company commanders and battalion commanders. September 4, 2012
  11. Major Shaitan Singh

    Huge blast in ammunition arsenal in central Turkey, 20 injured

    So Widow, you mean to say that you support killing of innocent people.... what turkey is doing in Syria... the same Pakistan is doing in Kashmir... helping the terrorist.... Please do not bring kashmir to flame up this thread.
  12. Major Shaitan Singh

    Iran claims deployment of long-range missile-equipped drones

    Iranian deputy defense minister says engineers copied technology of the U.S.-made RQ-170 stealth drone after one crashed in Iranian territory • Iranian official: Zionist leaders will be the first targets after any attack on Iran. Senior Iranian defense officials announced on Sunday that...
  13. Major Shaitan Singh

    Iran Boosts Missile System, Defies Israel

    Iran is developing a new homegrown missile system that is set to surpass the S-300 system produced by Russia as the US considers new measures to prevent an Israeli attacks on Iran’s nuclear facilities U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration is considering “a range of steps short of war”...
  14. Major Shaitan Singh

    Iran airs ambitions for a blue water navy

    Iran has reinforced its aspirations to transform its navy into a blue water force that is capable of establishing its presence off the coast of the United States in the next few years. Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, the country’s naval chief, told state television on Tuesday that Iran would...
  15. Major Shaitan Singh

    Huge blast in ammunition arsenal in central Turkey, 20 injured

    Something was happening for last few days in that base, lots of movement of trucks were detected..... The loss could pile up to 500 million dollar... This happen when you help to kill innocent people in other country The question is was it an accident or Turkey is hiding something..... more...
  16. Major Shaitan Singh

    Free Syrian Army claims downed two MiG planes in Idlib

    helicopter shot down today. Flying pretty high. It doesn't show it getting hit, there is a cut.
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