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  1. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Image? Those are facts. The West and India aren't hiding them under a carpet either. iit's not a secret. Why would you care about Western opinion? Do you feel insecure? Are you really bothered by Western opinion? Western culture and civilization is different from other civilizations and...
  2. maximus

    The Generosity of an Arab nation towards Pakistan

    The guy is obviously having difficulty accepting the fact that Pakistan is getting help from a friendly nation. Typical Indian behaviour... On a different note, let's hope we can utilize this reactor for both civilian and military purpose.
  3. maximus

    Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

    Well, the same gibberish could be said about your obsession with blaming Pakistan for almost everything that happens on your side. Just accept your own failures and stop blaming others for your own miseries. India is a divided nation and suffering from massive inequality. The Muslims...
  4. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Nope, time to shift the focus on India. I think India needs to get over their obsession of always making comparisons and involving Pakistan in every matter. Pakistan and India have nothing in common. Pakistan has a different history and culture. We need to make a distinction between both...
  5. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    No, I'm intending to resolve misunderstandings. Why would I want to quarrel with a brother residing in my homeland Pakistan? I have great respect for my countrymen. I understand and admire what difficulties they are facing. I have utmost respect for these people because I don't have to face the...
  6. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Hey, you pretending to be an American? You're an Indian, right? Place an Indian flag.
  7. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Okay, it's Khalid in Canada. Good to know it isn't me.
  8. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Those reason are very valid. You cannot deny that the West has vested interests with India. The West cannot bare a Muslim nation armed with nuclear weapons. It's not part of their plan. Also, India having the privilege of having better relations with the West, misses no opportunity in...
  9. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Care to name a few Pakistanis abroad that are negatively impacting the image of Pakistan? Which Pakistani would want to portray a bad image of his/her country? I'm very curious...
  10. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Well, consider that every action has a reaction.
  11. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Who said that Pakistan SHOULDN'T be discussed? Give me a quote.
  12. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    That's inaccurate. The person that posted this thread made it his target to specifically single out Pakistan. That person is obviously biased and anti-Pakistan. Everyone knows that on this forum. Many other nations including India are on the list. We should discuss them all and not put focus on...
  13. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Human Rights watch-2009 report India 's failure to protect Source: Human Rights watch-2009 report India 's failure to protect minorities | Persecution Update India <- This is how minorities are treated in India today and the West in particular turning a blind eye. Like I said, it's all...
  14. maximus

    Iran, Israel, Pakistan and North Korea were rated most negatively.

    Pakistan has its fair share of problems. From the very basic issues such as human rights to major problems such as WoT facing the country today. No one can deny them. However, such polls don't reflect the reality. In fact, most alike polls that are conducted are biased and politically motivated...
  15. maximus

    Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

    So whatever abuse you hurl at people is slang and when others react it's abuse? That's a nice double standard. If asking someone what he's smoking is what you call civilized... I don't care whether you reply or not. To me, all that matters is to convey my opinion. I've done that so I'm...
  16. maximus

    Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

    Well, let me refresh your memory angel, http://www.defence.pk/forums/war-terror/21193-pakistan-points-fingers-bangladesh-mumbai-atacks.html#post294066 <- Read your own post directed at me. This was the first post that started the argument. You asked me what I was smoking because I expressed an...
  17. maximus

    Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

    Stop getting cocky Mr. not so cold. We're discussing the news article. That's the topic of this thread. The news article suggests that the dossier is most likely to contain the allegations. Have you even read the news article? Just shut up! Who the hell are you to judge me? Whether I live on the...
  18. maximus

    Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

    The truth is that I couldn't really be bothered. I've just expressed my opinion on the matter. We all know that Pakistan has always managed to alienate itself from the rest of the world time and time again. Pointing fingers at Bangladesh as the news article suggests won't help Pakistan one bit...
  19. maximus

    Bangladeshi group may be involved in Mumbai attacks

    Truth hurts, doesn't it? If there is anyone smoking here it is certainly you. How can Pakistan afford to create more enemies? Instead of even reading or countering one of my arguments you're just throwing cheap one liners. Due to short-sighted people like yourself Pakistan has always suffered...
  20. maximus

    Kyrgyzstan 'to shut key US base'

    Kyrgyzstan says U.S. air base decision is final By Olga Dzyubenko BISHKEK (Reuters) - Kyrgyzstan said Friday its decision to shut a U.S. air base was final, dealing a blow to Washington's efforts to retain what has been a major staging post for U.S. forces fighting in Afghanistan. Thursday...
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