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  1. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Time for the army to step in and take control. Such cowardice shouldn't be tolerated for too long. These spineless bunch will sell Pakistan for a nickel at this rate! Let all the democrazy lovers cry. Democracy wont work in Pakistan. We need strong and resolute leadership at a time of tension...
  2. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    That's just a cover-up! Such a blatant violation and look at the coward reponse of this useless government! These Indians would have been blaming and crying all over the media! We need PAF to get ready for some fireworks! If it was up to this coward government PAF wouldn't have even been allowed...
  3. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Just in! Guys it's official. No more denials!!!! Indian jet planes violate Pakistan air spaces: PM Gilani Updated at: 0200 PST, Saturday, December 13, 2008 ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has confirmed that Indian Air Force violated Pakistan air spaces twice on Saturday...
  4. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Screw the coward leadership. PAF should act unilaterally and violate Indian air space. We need a befitting response!
  5. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Yeah just like you cooked up all the lies against Pakistan! Get ready for some retaliation! You cowards!
  6. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    China would have torn apart India. Indian skies would have been filled with Chinese fighters. Not a single ray of light visible.
  7. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    These Indians are resorting to very low standards. What a bunch of deceiving liars. We should provide international community with clear cut proof. The Indians shouldn't get away with this cheap action. We should punish them. Time to punish the perpetrators.
  8. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Indians are denying it. Indian Air Force denial of violation Pakistan air space: Indian media Updated at: 0130 PST, Saturday, December 13, 2008 NEW DELHI: Indian Air Force has denied that it did not violate the air space of Pakistan, Indian media said after the news that Indian jet planes...
  9. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Indian violation of Pakistan air space to cause tension: Askari Updated at: 0115 PST, Saturday, December 13, 2008 KARACHI: Responding to the violation of Pakistan air space by Indian jet planes on Saturday, the defense analyst professor Hassan Askari said Sunday violation of Pakistan air...
  10. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Damned, what a coward leadership we have!
  11. maximus

    Brahmos Cruise Missile - Russia & India

    True, but don't underestimate Babur either. Our CM is sophisticated and lethally accurate.
  12. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

  13. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    Spot on. The Americans won't like this one bit. They don't want things to escalate, but the Indians really want to get it on.
  14. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    That's why you fled away? LOL :cheesy: What kind of a cheap tactic is that?
  15. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    That's awesome news PAF chasing away Indians LOL! I think next step ought to be to violate Indian air space. Just to settle the score.
  16. maximus

    IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

    I hope we retaliate brutally if news is true. Such blatant violation of our sovereignty cannot go unpunished.
  17. maximus

    No houses for Muslims in India

    That's an illusion you're living in. Majority of Muslims are treated worse than garbage in India. Every impartial human rights organization acknowledge this. Just look up the annual reports of Indian human rights record. Minorities have to bear the brunt. It's a disgrace to humanity. You have no...
  18. maximus

    US policy debate asks Obama to broaden engagement for Pakistan’s stability

    This is exactly what the Indians fear. Obama has made it clear from day one that he wants to focus on the issue of Kashmir. Something that doesn't bode well for the Indians. Obama wants Pakistan to fully focus on fighting the insurgents. However, Pakistan considers India as a threat. Obama...
  19. maximus

    Brazil to provide 100 missiles to Pakistan

    That's true. Having the G6 in Pakistani inventory would be something. That would really give some fire-power to PA.
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