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  1. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    You sort of forgot to add the JF-17s to the tally. 300 Thunders will also have BVR capability. In fact, the JF-17 will have a wide range of Chinese, French and South African BVR missiles. Not to mention the FC-20s. The F-16s will be phased out eventually. The F-16s have a lot of strings attached...
  2. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    Give me a break... The Israelis got their rear ends kicked by a bunch of street fighters in Lebanon. They used all their might yet got humiliated. These cowards are only good at butchering unarmed civilians such as the Palestinians. Don't even make any comparison...
  3. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    Well, that obviously is something for you to find out... I hope you're not so eager to find out. I'm quite optimistic that Pakistan has all the means at disposal to erase large parts of India. Hundreds of millions will perish which is annihilation in itself. Anyone in denial is underestimating...
  4. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    The some extent is a very vague description. In a nuclear war the outcome will be annihilation for both sides. India has very large densely populated areas. Millions of people are crammed in many cities all across India. Just a handful of missiles hitting the target will cause instant millions...
  5. maximus

    Hamas to rely on guerrilla tactics against Israel

    In contrast, the Arab reaction is disgracefully shameful. Especially the Egyptians. The Arabs are acting like a dead corpse. It seems that the Arabs have become numb regarding the Palestinian issue. Imagine what response Western nations would have given if one of them got slaughtered in such a...
  6. maximus

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    That's actually the whole crux of the problem. Hardly anything has been done in the past few decades to meet the future requirements. They can do all they want now. It will take considerable time before this crisis is solved. Being optimistic is positive, but we have to remain realistic as well...
  7. maximus

    World must stop Islamist regime in Pakistan: Netanyahu

    Netanyahu is an ultra right wing nut job. He is just barking. I guess the freedom of choice and democracy have boundaries when it comes to Muslims... Shouldn't be taken too seriously...
  8. maximus

    Nine Muslims removed from US flight over ‘suspicious’ remark

    They have been butchering Muslims all over the world. Wiped half of the Iraqi population and now waging an illegitimate war in Afghanistan. These people are only scared of themselves. Their crimes are haunting them. They are insecure and unpopular in the world. That's a natural human reaction. I...
  9. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    No question about it. Indian rhetoric is just made up of hot air. All this muscle flexing is symbolic and hollow. The ground realities are very different and not so favourable for anyone (specifically India).
  10. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    Well, let's face it... Indian economy is only benefiting a handful of higher caste Brahmin elites. Frankly, what's the point of earning billions of dollars when more than half of the population is starving with no rooftop over their heads? We all know in reality that the divide between rich and...
  11. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    You're just making up scenario's... I'm sure all that can happen. At the end of the day, India realizes that it will come down to a nuclear war. Something that India cannot afford with its fragile economy. Every little bit of progress will be destroyed in a blink of an eye... India will be the...
  12. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    Well, that's not what I meant... India doesn't have the political will because it's aware that Pakistan can strike back. A nuclear war is almost inevitable after India overwhelms Pakistan in a conventional warfare. The nuke factor is the only reason why India is being kept at bay for so many...
  13. maximus

    Airpower Imbalance - Nuclear Pakistan's Achilles' Heel

    To me it is more of an Achilles' heel of India... Pakistan will have to utilize its nuke arsenal much sooner. Something that India is very aware of. All these comparisons are worthless. Numerically, Pakistan will never be able to match India. That's not a weakness though. Pakistani doctrine is...
  14. maximus

    Pakistan Economy - News & Updates - Archive

    ^^ I don't believe a word. If we were to believe the media, the situation has only deteriorated to an extent that riots are taking place in broad daylight. Faisalabad bursts into protest against load shedding of power, gas Updated at: 1340 PST, Saturday, January 03, 2009 FAISALABAD: The...
  15. maximus

    NEW PICS OF J-10 'Super-10' advanced fighter??

    Another close up CGI... I absolutely love it!!!
  16. maximus

    Mumbai Attacks

    The US should mind its own business...
  17. maximus

    Patriot sale to jeopardise Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia

    Spot on brother. Pakistan's next major capability would be the induction of SLCM/SLBM. The much awaited triad would provide Pakistan with an unprecedented security boost. On a different note, the acquisition of a U-214 sub is all good, but we also need a stopgap measure in the short term...
  18. maximus


    Winning wars? They are losing wars... What's the point of fuelling more hatred and anger amongst people? For every so-called precision kill coupled with collateral damage another 100 are lining up...
  19. maximus

    Patriot sale to jeopardise Nuclear Deterrence in South Asia

    Not only that, the missile shield is an unreliable and costly so-called defensive mechanism only meant as a symbolic gesture. Its effectiveness is highly questionable. The missiles will always outnumber the shield. The tech itself is very immature. Not to even mention MIRV warhead which Pakistan...
  20. maximus

    The extradition question

    Not even in your worst nightmares... The US should start looking for an alternative supply route instead of wasting precious time on such petty issues. That should concern the Yanks more... Things are about to change very drastically.
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