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  1. M

    Cracks in Pakistan coalition day after Musharraf quits

    No doubt the presence of Busharraf was the cement holding the civilian government together . . . with his departure, this house may start to fall down. Keep watching . . . things are getting interesting!!
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    “The West confronts an unfamiliar sight: a nation bent on conquest.”

    The NATO alliance is aghast . . . the temerity and cheek of the Russian Bear to stand in their way of expanding their imperial brand eastwards!! I think Washington and western european capitals are used to the suppine, servile and bankrupt regimes in the Muslim World that offer up their rump to...
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    Arab Perceptions of the United States

    QUESTION : Why do Muslims hate America ? ANSWER: Because American imperialism backs every dictatorship from Morocco in the west to Jakarta in the east, launches an illegal war against Iraq for oil and murders over 100,000 muslims [in addition to the deaths attributed to the sanctions regime]...
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    The Karzai problem for Pakistan!!!!

    oh muse . . . please let me diagnose the disease . . . could it be American imperialism !? The same American imperialism that is creating havoc in places as far apart as Georgia, Iraq and Palestine !? The same American imperialism that is turning its guns on Iran !? The same US imperialism...
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    We Don't Need a 'War on Terror'

    It is an accepted fact that the War On Terror was fundamentally misconceived, unrealistic in terms of its objectives, damaging to democratic instititutions in the west and targetted mainstream Islam as an enemy culture. Muslims around the world opposed American objectives from the beginning . ...
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    Refugee Crisis Brews in Pakistan

    Its not the so-called "militants" that are responsible for this refugee crisis, but, the Pakistani military. It is a disgrace and a shame . . . which other country would inflict so much collective punishment upon her own people for their own shortcomings !? At the very least, the Pakistani...
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    Al-Qaida vows to hunt Musharraf down

    The Sun can only aspire to being trashy!! Its a scummy little rag belonging to the neocon media moghul Rupert Murdoch . . . who, also, owns Fox News . . . the well established outlet for right-wing headbangers in Washington :hitwall:!!
  8. M

    Musharraf's public support!!

    I think you've hit the nail on the head. Most Pakistanis have as much faith in their civilian politics as they do with martial law . . . zero. The political system is broken [beyond repair]. Without a credible political system, the country will continue to see-saw between two [equally...
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    Balkanization Of Iraq Is Part Of Neo-con Plan

    These plans are the staple diet of the American Empire . . . continue to 'atomize' parts of the Muslim World into even more unstable gulags and attack any idea or concept that threatens to provide political unity [and therefore] a challenge to US hegemony. In particular, ideas like the...
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    Bush throws support behind Georgia, Warn to Russia

    :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :usflag: American vomit.
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    Russia 'could answer U.S. shield with orbital ballistic missiles'

    There has never been any doubt about the capability of Russia to develop missile defence systems . . . and she now has the economic means to back up her strong defensive posture towards NATO. An orbital ballistic missile system should help to concentrate minds in the Pentagon . . its good for...
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    Marshall Plan for FATA

    FATA and other parts of Pakistan can make great economic and social strides without the financiers of the American Empire supplying crumbs in exchange for facilitating Washington's political objectives in the region. The only thing holding Pakistan back has been its bankrupt political system...
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    Russia develops military forces, strategic alliances to counter US

    The United States has offered an entirely bogus claim that the missile defence shields in Poland and the Czech Republic would be aimed at Iran !? First of all, Iran has a limited ballistic capability to do harm in Europe . . . however, even if such a claim were to have validity, Russia offered...
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    Russia's Strike Shows The Power Of the Pipeline

    The world requires a balance of power between the US + China + Russia. A multi-polar world is a better situation than a lone, out-of-control superpower like the US trampling across Muslim lands, spilling much blood, destroying every vestige of propriety - international convention - law and...
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    Bush throws support behind Georgia, Warn to Russia

    Hypocrisy, moral+intellectual inconsistency, duplicity and contradictions are concepts that have become as American as Coca Cola and the 'stars and stripes' !! The situation has become so bad that they don't even realise how poorly their rhetoric is being received around the world in the light...
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    U.S. Analyst Depicts Al Qaeda as Secure in Pakistan and More Potent Than Last Year

    Barack Obama and John McCain have made it clear that they wish to see US/NATO troops inside Pakistan. The discredited civilian government [operating in an even more discredited political system] in Islamabad is ensuring that America gets a pretext to make Pakistan the new theatre for the "War...
  17. M

    Pak Taliban declares an “open war” against Pakistan

    The tribes and the Pakistani arm of the Taliban have the utmost respect for Pakistans military. However, they are aware [as are most Pakistanis] that Islamabad is a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Empire . . . the politcal system is bankrupt and self-serving and the some of the military...
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    Pak Taliban declares an “open war” against Pakistan

    Sorry . . . I forgot the citations. REFERENCES: Pew Global Attitudes Project: America’s Image in the World: Findings from the Pew Global Attitudes Project World Public Opinion
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    Pak Taliban declares an “open war” against Pakistan

    The Saban Center [Brookings Institution] at the University of Maryland in conjunction with the Zogby International organisation have conducted extensive surveys of Muslim attitudes on a whole host of issues, including the Shariah. The University of Maryland has bolstered its polling exercises...
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    Pak Taliban declares an “open war” against Pakistan

    May I offer some caution and restraint to some posters encouragement of the Pak. military assault on extremists" and "terrorists". May I remind everyone that there is no support for the US "War On Terror" as it is, rightly, regarded as a war on Islamic values and muslim political unity. The...
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