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  1. M

    Border Villages Rise Up Against Taliban

    Jana . . . can you substantiate your assertion that Baitullah Masud is in the 'pay' of the CIA+US !? I've heard this assertion a few times on this forum, but, with little evidence being provided to support it. What we're witnessing in Afghanistan and the tribal belt is the 21 Century...
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    Refugee Crisis Brews in Pakistan

    You won't find me arguing against the assertion that the Taliban are a pretty crude and ignorant bunch of obscurantists. As for an Islamic political system gaining traction . . . it, already, has in Pakistan and in the Muslim World. Whats more, I doubt whether any credible Islamist outfit...
  3. M

    Bush throws support behind Georgia, Warn to Russia

    I appreciate the articles you've posted, but, what you fail to compute is that NATO troops in Afghanistan can utilize the principle of self-defence to cross into Pakistan in order to take on militants. This would bypass the need for a NATO member having suffered an attack in order for NATO to...
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    Refugee Crisis Brews in Pakistan

    I am unaware that Islam [or any other religion] advocates letting criminals get away scott free and I, certainly, do not propose the Talibanization of Pakistan - [as you claim]. Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of Islam and its history would regard your notion of an "Islam of the barbarians"...
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    Blast outside POF

    Place strong educational institutes in the tribal belt, raise the standard of living, develop the socioeconomics of the area and give local authorities more powers and support !? Can we try some of these tricks in the rest of Pakistan !? And who is going to manage this remarkable...
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    Zardari to be next president

    Zardari for President Lord have mercy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. M

    Musharraf in custody

    As [yet another] Pakistani leader hobbles-off into the sunset . . . having thoroughly disgraced himself before the Pakistani people by betraying the security, integrity and long term wellbeing of Pakistan for the short term objectives of US imperialism. I wonder if he has any regrets . . . as...
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    Bush throws support behind Georgia, Warn to Russia

    I'm aware of the "all for one, one for all" clause in the NATO charter. However, the United States changed the terms of reference for NATO in the days following the attacks in New York on 9/11. NATO is no longer a tool of the Cold War, rather, Washington has extended its remit beyond its Cold...
  9. M

    Pakistan Needs a Visionary Leader

    Keysersoze . . . I don't know what you have in mind when you state that Pakistan may have to undergo a "big mess", but, do you think it will look something like the calamity we have at the moment !? A political sytem that nobody in the country trusts or supports, a military held in disrepute...
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    Blast outside POF

    As you continue to roll around in your own fantasies . . . you do realise that there's no military solution to the so-called phenomenon of "militancy" in Pakistan !? How can bombs and bullets prevent what is, in essence, a cultural manifestation!? How can the Pakistani state prosecute the "War...
  11. M

    Pakistan Needs a Visionary Leader

    Visionary leaders are nurtured within the nourishing environment of a credible political system . . . something that Pakistan does not have!! The present bankrupt system has only been able to provide bankrupt rulers . . . whether civilians or military. To coin a famous Americanism, its the...
  12. M

    Bush throws support behind Georgia, Warn to Russia

    Pakistanis has better pray that Russia is able to check the advance of NATO in Georgia. There is no doubt that NATO will pose a greater and greater security risk to Pakistan in the coming years . . . all under the pretext of fighting extremism/militancy, ofcourse.
  13. M

    Refugee Crisis Brews in Pakistan

    Dear niaz . . . I agree that consensus between the state and its citizens is vital in assisting the former to extend its writ throughout the land. However, this is the crux of the issue . . . no such consensus exists in Pakistan. The political system in Islamabad is a renegade from the...
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    ANALYSIS: Musharraf’s mistakes

    With the departure of Musharraf . . . Pakistan REMAINS on the same merry-go-round . . . still hitched to a discredited political system that is dragging the country into a shallow grave. It is pointless trumpetting in a ruler and hooting him out several years later without pausing to examine...
  15. M

    The American people

    I've deleted this double post - apologies.
  16. M

    The American people

    You state [correctly] that the US government has its own "agenda" . . . it is an imperial agenda. An agenda designed to keep the Muslim World subjugated under despotic rulers and maintain American hegemony for as long as possible. Political Islam, too, has an agenda . . . no less than the...
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    The American people

    Most Muslims dismiss the methodology and tactics of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. However, there can be no doubt that there is widespread and mainstream support amongst Muslims for the implementation of Islam at the societal level. This is confirmed in many polls conducted throughout the Muslim...
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    The American people

    I must correct you on your definition of "Dar ul Islam" . . . the Shariah definition accepted by the four main schools of Islam define the concept as a place where the security of the state is protected by Muslims and the laws emanate from the Shariah. As an example, when Syria became part of...
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    The Limits of American Power

    The American Empire has one advantage . . . an almost unbroken necklace of Muslim client states that enable Washington to project power into strategically important locations around the world. It would cause considerable damage to US foreign policy if Washington lost, for example, the House...
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    The Pak-US Relationship

    There is a very efficient and historically-tried and trusted way of ceasing to be a client state . . . stop acting and behaving like one !? :woot: Islamabad should try it!! The Pakistani people lack the servile and blinkered mindset that has been a handicap for Pakistani governments for...
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