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  1. Archie

    Possible Indian Special Weapons Storage Facilities

    you can get these images from Google earth They are not all that secret Those that were secret , have been blocked as per agreement between APJ Abdul Kalam and George W Bush
  2. Archie

    Indian Air Force News & Discussions

    there are 68 Mig29S/T in sevice out of which 61 Mig29S are being upgraded to Mig29SMT standards 7 Mig29T trainers are not being upgraded since they are not meant for combat
  3. Archie

    An Indian Tale Of Woe : A submarine race in the region

    it takes time to design your own nuclear submarine , and yeah we have completed the first one and its currently undergoing sea trials , with 5 more to follow . But i still bet Kayani pees a little , everytime he thinks about that khokha
  4. Archie

    An Indian Tale Of Woe : A submarine race in the region

    Dude it took Pakistan 10 yrs to build 1 Agosta 90B subs ie contract signed in 1996 , Karachi Shipyard Delivered first and only Sub in 2007 first 2 subs came from france in 1999, 2001
  5. Archie

    BrahMos Cruise Missile Sub-System Failed During July Test

    and trolling is in commie blood we all have to live with that Defence Minister A.K. Antony told the Rajya Sabha, the council of states, that a developmental flight test of BrahMos was carried out on July 29 this year with 25 new components and sub-systems such as new power systems...
  6. Archie


    why are people trolling crashes are part of Air force life PAF has had a dozen crashes in last one yr and so has IAF as far as Mig29A is concerned , well these aircrafts have a service life of 2500 Hours , which can extend to 4000 Hrs with adequate MLU If this model is the early 1980s...
  7. Archie

    Pakistan kicks out alleged CIA stooges

    I think Zardari too is one of the stooges since he has more money and property outside than inside pakistan
  8. Archie

    India's nuclear arsenal failed by 'dud' missiles

    yeah , the figures they are using are from 2009 also check this statement and the assumption made by the author According to him, the lack of authoritative information on India's capability 'is part of our posture of ambiguity' on matters nuclear so why should government give a record...
  9. Archie

    Israeli anger at India clothing shop called Hitler

    Their is actually an apparel brand called FCUK Talk about attracting attention
  10. Archie

    Tata may produce C-130J at Hyderabad

    having 30 C130J should be enough to take care of a possible delay in MTA We dont need more than 12 Special ops version and can opt for normal Transport variant for a third batch of 18 In my opinion C27J Spartan would be a good replacement for Avros , since it shares several commonalities...
  11. Archie

    India, Russia sign pact for Smerch rockets

    Well it takes Time For instance Pinaka I was only validated by army in Yr 1998 after 14 yrs of development and currently they have like 80-100 of them across 2 Regiments and they have another 3 Regiments on order Pinaka saw service during the Kargil War, where it was successful in...
  12. Archie

    India, Russia sign pact for Smerch rockets

    The MOU is for liscence production of 300 mm Smersch Rockets our current stockpile of 8000-10000 Rockets wont last a week incase of conflict with a larger foe also there were a few reports that India might be looking to acquire a 3rd Smersch Regiment comprising 28-34 units and it could well...
  13. Archie

    KGB, CIA, RAW behind Dhaka's fall - Yuri Bezmenov (Ex-KGB Agent)

    yeah , except sending the a nuclear powered super carrier
  14. Archie

    Mumbai violence: Man who desecrated Amar Jawan memorial held

    tell u whats going to happen , we will carve out baluchistan out of pakistan , and send the 5-10% indian muslims with love for pakistan to their new homeland what will happen is that baluchistans sparsely populated region will get more people and India will get rid of a major pain in the ***...
  15. Archie

    Mumbai violence: Man who desecrated Amar Jawan memorial held

    Relax bhai India wont send Rafales and MKIs over Lanka , unless they support china/pakistan in a future conflict
  16. Archie

    Mumbai violence: Man who desecrated Amar Jawan memorial held

    long live the 50 cent army of china since i saw you reading on the thread , I was expecting a troll wisecrack and i got it
  17. Archie

    Mumbai violence: Man who desecrated Amar Jawan memorial held

    what do yo think guys should we nickname the incoming rafales as Hanuman or Bajrang Since it can fly and carry the max weapon payload in Indian service barring TU-142 Bears
  18. Archie

    Indian Terror: Hindu Media Target Muslims

    you mean pigvijay singh , then yes we need a modi in north east to kick these bangladeshi bigots and clean our states
  19. Archie

    Mumbai violence: Man who desecrated Amar Jawan memorial held

    forget the dog catcher call oscar We are also likely to see a surge of sino mentally challenged trolls and People Liberation Troll Army on this thread forget the dog catcher call oscar We are also likely to see a surge of sino mentally challenged trolls and People Liberation Troll...
  20. Archie

    Mumbai violence: Man who desecrated Amar Jawan memorial held

    when we talk about 50000 tamils slaughtered in rawan ki lanka , what do you think maybe shri ram needs to again send hanuman to set fire to it read his posts he is a pkistani yeah a jamaati like you wont know the diff between killing Terrorist who had occupied a place of worship and...
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