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  1. T

    Joining as a doctor in the army medical core

    As I understand you want to join AMC and then join SSG. Well this is incredibly rare but it has been done before by only 7 people with my dad being one of them. The thing to note is that anyone can apply for SSG from any core. If you pass the selection test and training then you will be...
  2. T

    How to join Pakistan Army?

    I have made my decision and I am going to join the army. I just have a few questions: Can you do fsc pre medical after doing o levels? Also how hard is fsc urdu? I can speak urdu well but my reading and writing is weak which I am to improve
  3. T

    The World's Best Special Forces

    I have a great problem with this ranking system.We need to get the definition of a special force start. A special force is a unit that fufils on of the following: Is trained in counter-terrorist and hostage rescue OR Is trained in gorrila warfare Firstly the MI 6 is NOT a special force...
  4. T

    Special Services Wing

    I think the SSG is the best. The are by far the oldest and most experience special force of the Pakistan Army. The roots of all the others (SSGN or SSW) lie with SSG. Just look at the uniform. The SSG has the wing which has been adopted by the SSGN and SSW. Also I feel that the SSG is more...
  5. T

    How to join Pakistan Army?

    Hi guys I just joined this forum so that u guys could help me. You see I really really really want to join the army. But the only problem is that I have been iving in the UK for the past four year. One option for me is to stay here and become a respectable doctor with a good pay. Howver, the...
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