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  1. Bullhead

    Indian explosives found in Karachi

    Well do you think if Pakistani Authorities give this Photograph as a proof....some Indian Diplomat and why only India Diplomat, Whole world is not going to laugh. How can you claim that a legally Imported Good is a smuggled explosive. Thats what the original story goes ahead and claims.
  2. Bullhead

    Indian explosives found in Karachi

    No no....not blaming anyone. Just pointing at some facts and relating it to some business logic and International trade practices. And some "common sense" and providing some proofs.
  3. Bullhead

    Unable to attract even a single girl, frustrated man sues Axe

    Welcome to the land of false marketing promises, and over the top claims. Good that the guy has shown way to consumers to teach these marketers a lesson.
  4. Bullhead

    Indian explosives found in Karachi

    Well this cooking up of proofs is done everywhere (well it is claimed ). Don't Pakistanis claim that all proofs related to 26/11 are cooked by Indian authorities. Here in this picture in question please don't tell me that the so called India explosive is not a legally imported product by...
  5. Bullhead

    Indian explosives found in Karachi

    Well its freely available exported good available in the market. So it will also be easier for cops to just buy a bag. Pay the bill and then use it to cook this excellent Photograph. I am not sure how well you know the export industry. Whenever an Item is legally exported to another...
  6. Bullhead

    India behind most terror attacks, says Malik

    Your proofs Busted: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/37601-indian-explosives-found-karachi-3.html#post532188 http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/37601-indian-explosives-found-karachi-4.html#post532311
  7. Bullhead

    Indian explosives found in Karachi

    This is funny. Potassium Chloride is an Chemical freely available : How about a lesson on chemistry: POTASSIUM CHLORATE Potassium chlorate is the most industrially important chlorate, or chlorate of potash, KClO3. Potassium chlorate is a colourless crystalline substance that melts at...
  8. Bullhead

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    Astra air-to-air missile to make its first flight To add punch to IAF’s fleet of Sukhoi, Mig-29, Mirage-2000, Tejas. Veteran fighter pilots lament the end of the dogfight, the evocative name for a twisty, sky-ripping, adrenaline-packed aerial duel, in which the winner gets behind his...
  9. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    I have seen some well educated Muslim youth. Slowly getting involved in Political process and I have also seen Hindu youth involved in NGO's standing up for Muslim community. So wait, things would change for good. No one is blaming people who migrated for anyones bad. But think...
  10. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    Well both America and Pakistan are fighting the Devil they created themselves. :pop: Wow:woot: this is news to me. Can you please provide a news item that says Muslim killed because Pakistan beat India in cricket.:bounce:
  11. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    Quots ayatem was envisioned to uplift the most down trodden of the society that was caused due to Mostly Colonial Past and old social system. So there had to be some resistance from so called higher casts. The grant is usually given directly to Institution , may be people sitting on top of...
  12. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    Lady (please correct me if I am wrong), Muslims from backward areas are given priority quotas in Government jobs, Government Schools and Collages. Additional grants are made to Minority Schools and collages where Students learn for free (well almost). What else is equal opportunity Thats...
  13. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    Did you actually read the entire thing before you posted it here. It just talks about all minorities, backward classed and quota system here in India. What has Pakistan done for Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. Here is something you would like to read: http://www.minorityrights.org/?lid=1034
  14. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    Everyone is offered equal opportunities here. It is for the individual to cease the opportunity and capitalize on it. No one offers free lunches. But everyone is offered opportunities. But I pity the thoughts here that say state is responsible for feeding someone who does not want to work...
  15. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    Funny assumptions by someone who has never been to the country he is talking about. Well 800 Million Hindus can have only 10 Movies Stars. Its just a matter of professional choice. I live in a block where most of the flats are owned by Muslims. TO find more about Muslims in Indian...
  16. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    Or it could be a combination of both. I wish Muslim leadership was a able to Group together like Sikh leadership. They have taken absolute control of their fate. And look at most of Sikh community They have the highest per capita income in India.
  17. Bullhead

    To be a Muslim in India today

    ^^^^ I think this has more to do with the fact...that during the time of Partition. Most of the well of Muslim Families from North India, decided to migrate to Pakistan. Leaving behind a much poorer and uneducated Muslim community here.
  18. Bullhead

    Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

    Nice term....."Keyboard Jihad":cheers: Sitting in their rooms in front of computer screens and throwing crap all over is a way these cowards have chosen to support their stupid cause.
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