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  1. Bullhead

    Dalai Lama holds mass gathering

    Please do care to look at these maps... Communist Countries before USSR Break Up: Communist Countries Now: Comments: Each and every Communist country has till now disintegrated buy itself...without any external help. Lets see who gets fractured...and when.
  2. Bullhead

    Peshawar hit by fatal bomb blast

    At least three people have been killed and five hurt in a blast in the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar. Police say a bomb went off near a police post, in what they believe was a suicide attack. It comes a day after at least 12 people were killed in a suicide bomb attack near the city...
  3. Bullhead

    IAF MIG29SMT Superior to F16/52 Report

    Tell that to your leaders...who shout India is destablizing the regional security.....every time there is a new defence procurement by India.:rofl:
  4. Bullhead

    Deadly suicide attack in Pakistan

    At least 10 people have been killed and at least 20 injured in a suicide bomb attack near the north-western Pakistani city of Peshawar, police say. The blast ripped through a busy cattle market on the outskirts of the city. Reports say the bomber appeared to have been targeting a local mayor...
  5. Bullhead

    Nuclear energy not on platter for Pakistan: US

    @deathfromabove. Did you actually understand the article. It talks about "Pakistan not getting India like deal with US"...Because some reasons....and the reasons are also mentioned in the article itself. Lot to do with Pakistan...than to do with India and US. Read Again.
  6. Bullhead

    Former French Magistrate makes startling allegations in book

    Relax bro, No one is denying here. At least I am not. Diplomatically. Pakistan has to accuse and India has to deny....Pakistan has to provide proof in front of world community and turn the world opinion against India. Thats precisely Pakistan Diplomats are paid for. As of now , India...
  7. Bullhead

    Nuclear energy not on platter for Pakistan: US

    The US, which signed a nuclear agreement with India last year, is not considering the option of providing atomic energy to Pakistan as part of its efforts to resolve the energy-crisis in the country. A high-profile US team which went to Islamabad recently to discuss energy issues with...
  8. Bullhead

    Tejas(LCA)- Setting the record straight

    History Lesson Ahoyee....:pop: FC-1 "Chao Qi" / JF-17 Thunder The FC-1 "Chao Qi" is an all-weather, multipurpose light fighter aircraft. The aircraft is equipped with advanced avionics and armed with medium-range missiles. It is capable of carrying out both air-to-air and air-to-groud...
  9. Bullhead

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    Astra air-to-air missile makes first flight The captive flight trials of Astra — India’s first indigenously-developed beyond visual range air-to-air missile — were successfully carried out on Sukhoi-30MKI combat aircraft at the Air Force Station here last week. The trials, which are still...
  10. Bullhead

    Tejas(LCA)- Setting the record straight

    LCA-Tejas completed the 1216 Test Flights. (21-Oct-09) Flight Test News
  11. Bullhead

    Separatist Insurgencies in India - News and Discussions.

    ^^^ Dont worry. Indian Government will Kill this so called Maoist movement before Pakistan army gets over with Talibanis. Read this for more information: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8345876.stm Read the below article and you can well make out these Maoists Chickening out after...
  12. Bullhead

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    @AM - this has a lot to do with the mistrust that world community has over Pakistan for multiple reasons.
  13. Bullhead

    Maoist Rebels taking controll of India

    such an illiterate post..... do you know the difference between a nuclear power generation station and a nuclear bomb.....going by your logic. india is sitting on atleast 18 live bombs......because there are some 18 odd nuclear power plants spread all over india.....but they don't educate you...
  14. Bullhead

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    Go read these documents in detail and then come back. Extracts from Indian dossier submitted to Pakistan...... Not complete dossiers. http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-1.pdf http://www.thehindu.com/nic/mumbaiattacksevidence-2.pdf...
  15. Bullhead

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    Wow, I pity your knowledge. Do you understand the difference between. A Spy and a Terrorist. :rofl:
  16. Bullhead

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    Yes thats what the whole world is saying. Show us the proof if you have it. But Do you think Manufacturing proofs like these will win any trust amongst International Commiunity. As far as I know Arab Muslim Countries are not even willing to entertain Pakistani claims of any success in...
  17. Bullhead

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    Well you have tried your hands in Khalistan as well.....do we see a khalistan anywhere. Your plans fell flat. You've got blood on your face. You have been struggling to create a Kashmir ..... Hmmm Well last time I checked Pakistan army is bombing Its own land in order to save itself from...
  18. Bullhead

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    And what are Pakistani Rules of Engagement here: 1. India is and has always been involved in terrorism in Pakistan . Please don't ask us how we know....but we just know.....and anyone asking to validate the comments with proofs is an enemy of the state. 2. India can never compete with...
  19. Bullhead

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    More Indians graduate in maths, science than in US, Japan India's infrastructure on education may have a long way to go to reach global standards, but when it comes to the sheer number of students graduating in maths and science, the country outperforms the US, Europe and Japan, says a new...
  20. Bullhead

    Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

    And what do you know about "facing". What is Pakistani Definition of "Facing". Let me see " Pakistani members keep on throwing Crap and Indian members have to accept that lying down" Right.
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