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  1. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    "OVERWHELMING".. O yeah.. last time they did it, Kashmir police was pathetically short on manpower. why do they require CRPF to assist??
  2. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I'M not good at deciphering veiled references... are u trying to warn me of consequences??
  3. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If you deliberately fire live ammo on civilians, YOUR soldiers DESERVE WORSE than this. & these youth are justified in beating, i would not remorse if he was killed, killers deserve death
  4. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    nobody gives a damn.. KP officers are socially boycotted in kashmir. & being muslim and a police officer in kashmir is a contradiction
  5. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    fair enough. what else do we expect from a mercenary anti people police.
  6. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    All u can do is keep making these bad attempts at sarcastic humor. you can't even make good of a bad joke.
  7. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    wow.... brave kashmiri beating a coward.. :yahoo:
  8. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    this is a stupidly easy question... come up with something which only a true kashmiri can know... like where is the best seekh tuje in srinagar
  9. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Mehbooba Mufti, daughter of Mufti Sayyed
  10. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    THe same applies to you, you can be an overzelous indian national, somwhere deep in naxal infested central india, commenting on posts by a kashmiri on a pakistani defence forum, and trying to justify broad daylight lyinchings by indian security forces in kashmir
  11. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I'm from "YOUR" part of kashmir, Indian kashmir.. ok & u should have the basic capability to comprehend a simple post to figure out weather it makes any sense or not. Whatever is made up of meaningful english words, makes a sentence, and sentences make sence, it is upto the reader to make sense...
  12. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    //shikaslada be ha chus kooshur... lanath vexya hindustanya. balay logukh kasheeri.// you can come here to srinagar and veify my credentials. & regarding my indian flag, it symbolyses indian occupation of kashmir
  13. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Kashmir police are considered third grade citizens in kashmir. they face a social boycott form common kashmiris. what is the point of glorifying the persons who are despised by their own ppl. in kashmir the difinition of public friendly police is alien. we consider them part of occupation...
  14. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Me too.. i'm kashmiri from IOK, Srinagar. As far as being " Kashmiri" is concerned, i believe Kashmiri is only those who live within Kashmir valley(which is called kashmir division administratively in IOK). Kashmir valley is entirely on the indian side of the border, and unfortunately whatever...
  15. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    hey indians u dont talk about kashmir. IM A KASHMIRI, & I KNOW MORE THAN U WHAT HAPPENS HERE. All you know about kashmir is through 9' O clock news sitting at home.Kashmir isn't on the boil for no reason. If our women are raped day in and day out, small kids as young as 9 year olds are shot in...
  16. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Do you know this is the same mufti who waits on the day before eid or ramadhan for PTV or Radio pakistan to make the announcement of crecent, then he declares his own sighting report. THis is a ridiculous way of keeping himself relevant in the masses, since people will anyway follow the...
  17. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    This news is out of context and out of content. The attack happened on the outskirts of sopore. It is easy to guess that the newly created anti-stone pelting battalion of J&K police was used in this sabotage operation. Policemen in civvies infiltrated the procession and started violence in the...
  18. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    you know how much it costs for one indian soldier to station in siachen and how much it costs to feed one hungry household for oneday. Now check the amount of money spent per day on stationing soldiers on siachen and the number of people dying with hunger in mainland india... u'll soon get your...
  19. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    i know where srinagar is for god's sake i live here. all u indians need is get ur ***** kicked every time indian army tries to win over our hearts.. my advice... check the cost-benifit ration of ur occupation here>> u'll soon realize it and pack ur bags & leave before u r kicked out.
  20. syedtalha

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

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