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  1. M

    The J-20 SUCCESSFULLY conducts first flight!!

    China and India have many to learn from each other! we compete with each other peacefully, we should not treat each other as foes! we are friends
  2. M

    Footage of J-20's First Flight Test

    Great!!!Thank You Dude!very Clear Videos For J20! ---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:07 PM ---------- everybody comes here to have a look!what a great day for us! what an:victory::victory::victory::china: amazing day
  3. M

    The J-20 SUCCESSFULLY conducts first flight!!

    at this moment,it increased to 676 viewing!absolutely on fire
  4. M

    The J-20 SUCCESSFULLY conducts first flight!!

    congratulations to our country!!!fellow brothers,history tells us~only strong military force can safeguard our homeland! we need peace,but we can not bear other country`s invasion!Long live China,long live Peace!
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    President Hu Jintao honors outstanding engine engineer

    sounds reasonable. the news was released this days when j20 was leaked what a coincidence!
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    The first J20 plane taxiing cell phone video high-speed!

    i guess its still a fighter but with the function of a bomber
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    Open your eyes to Shanghai (Indian perspective on China)

    Both Two countries should learn from each other,there is an old saying in China"All will benefit both sides, fighting harms"there really exsits some severe problems in China & India,such as corruption,and u know, as a chinese, sometimes i extremely dissatisfied with the exsiting conditions,some...
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    India enters UN Security Council after 19 years

    doubtless,India deserves this ,no matter in economy,militaryand global influnce,more importantly with a large population as China.
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    Crisp J-20 pictures

    so excited to see those pics, so clear and real.let's wait to see and enjoy its perfomance
  10. M

    The Latest Clear Pics of J20 and The Way To Calculate The Length

    (First):From a Chinese military website “飞扬” first let's take a look of two clear pics of J20, they are the most clear pics i have ever seen those days.and you can see the date :"引用 推荐 编辑 只看 复制 Posted...
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