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  1. M

    Russia to garner support for India's entry in SCO

    The biggest and dynamic commercial cities in two of the fastest growing economies in the last couple of decades should never be compared with each other??? lol We Indians know that Mumbai has a lot of stuff to do to catch up to Shanghai, but I am glad its compared to Shanghai and not Karachi...
  2. M

    BEL Delivers Sensor Tech For P-8I

    According to you. If we can make an AWACS we can make a sensor suite for an aircraft
  3. M

    Indian forces can enter Myanmar to hunt terrorists

    Good news this. Good to see that some nations are realizing the long term drawbacks of giving place to extremist elements and taking preemptive actions
  4. M

    Govt to back setting up a microchip facility in India

    Don't worry friend, indigenization never has negative effects in the long run. :cheers:
  5. M

    China, Pakistan sign $45 BLN deals: minister

    Jealousy?:what: Contrary to popular belief on this forum, the general Indian does not really care about pure economic investment made by Chinese anywhere in the world, even Pakistan.
  6. M

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    We have no interest in bashing China and its policies if your people cease from mentioning wrong facts and harping on 1962 every time there is a discussion about anything.
  7. M

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    We will have an indigenous aircraft carrier operational within next few years, far more complex to build than any civilian ship. Yours is still on paper, so shut it. I think I said that Arcelor Mittal has loads of steel plants in India. I did not claim it to be an Indian company. Also Tata...
  8. M

    Initial Operational Clearance For LCA-Tejas On December 27, 2010, In Bangalore !!!

    Considering that your country (since you are obviously not an Indian) has no fighter development programme of its own . . . sour grapes indeed!!!
  9. M

    Wikileaks Expose: What India said about Sri Lanka

    And we are not interested in disturbing it . . . you should also know this Our investments in infrastructure (rail link), investments by our hotel industry and FTA signed last year should be enough proofs of that Keep your backstabbing theories at home
  10. M

    Home » Zee Exclusive 'India’s China policy no longer over-cautious'

    Let that be reflected in your actions also
  11. M

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    Again baseless points. Are you aware that India pushes 40 Million people into middle class every year . . . i.e people wil income between ~$10K to ~25K (anual) every year by our standards HoweStreet.com - The Source for Market Opinions Read this article, it is about how India and China's...
  12. M

    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's Visit to India

    Utter nonsense. Its shocking (and sad) how misinformed Chinese people are about India. shipbuilding . . . we are good enough to build aircraft carriers and stealth ships, yours are still on paper. The weapons may be Russian or Isreali . . . the ships were built in India!! petrochemicals . . ...
  13. M

    Wikileaks Expose: What India said about Sri Lanka

    Sorry matey, your analysis is once again flawed!!:lol: There is nothing wrong in the article. The cable is dated when you began your attacks in Jaffna peninsula. Your country was fighting a civil war. While actions were being taken by your army in Jaffna, suicide bombs were exploding in...
  14. M

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Oh my my :rofl::rofl: priceless . . . not understanding difference between "you" and "me" . . . Anyways, no point arguing, I know you have got the point very well, shown clearly by lack of sensible response. :azn:
  15. M

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Hahaha, are you even 15? You are the one who keeps on harping about 1962. You also cannot refute any of my points . . . nice way to escape an argument kid
  16. M

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Hasn't some Chinese poster said on another topic that China was ahead of India in 1978? Was that a lie? If it was true ahead then how come our economies were equal in 1990. Anyways, we started to grow after 1990, so your statistics do not make any difference, and we have grown a lot. Today's...
  17. M

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    You didn't reply to any of my points and have completely missed the point of my post. Congratulations!!! There is no point in harping you have, we know what your capabilities are so no need for you to post them. I am not comparing our military or economic abilities in my post. FYI, we do not...
  18. M

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    Stupid argument, PLA will not have any ability to attack India comprehensively within the next decade. By then we will have ballistic missile submarines and LRBMS capable of hitting any city in your country, so another war happen is never gonna happen. You won in 1962 because we did not see...
  19. M

    No mention of ‘One China’ is New Delhi reply to Beijing for its silence on J&K

    I meant impact on the ground in the Kashmir state. Zero. Defense ties have been frozen, no exchanges take place, lol, nothing came true???? where have you been? Every country's media does a lot of hoo haa for local public consumption. Yours is not any different. The stapled visas is a...
  20. M

    A NOVICE SUPERPOWER: - India now has a chance to recreate its past golden ages

    :rofl: what poor knowledge India is in UNSC. You have veto power because you are a declared nuclear power. Lets see how the next decade shapes up UN as a whole instead of talking all on a forum
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