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  1. Ahchai Eliminator

    China suspected of copycatting Russian naval jet

    HaHa, yes, i am sure you are a big shot,:rofl: but the reality will probably typing your idiotic claim out of your butt from some cheap call center, a typical victim mentality from childhood nightmare, i really feel sorry for you, best of luck pal. :partay: refer to BBC NEWS | South Asia |...
  2. Ahchai Eliminator

    China suspected of copycatting Russian naval jet

    Oh you want to get personal ? Due lay lomo Choi height, lay lomo enjoy to be with me very much, not sure about you though, send my warmest regard for me please.:smitten::argh:
  3. Ahchai Eliminator

    China suspected of copycatting Russian naval jet

    And they still wonder why GOI refused to disclose the "Henderson Report" even after 48 yrs. to create fool like him.:azn::argh:
  4. Ahchai Eliminator

    Concerns India will lose face over Commonwealth Games

    Wow, what a killing field, four members got banned in 16 posts:cheesy: Back to the topic, is the situation that bad for Indians commonwealth game, whats the expectation of gold medals? correct me if i was wrong, In the last commonwealth game, you got 6 gold, how many this time, best of luck...
  5. Ahchai Eliminator

    China's J-15 Carrier-Based Fighter is Inferior to Russian Su-33 fighter: Russia

    A perfect example of overdose from your Indigenous coke, shooting trash out of control.:smitten::hang2:
  6. Ahchai Eliminator

    China suspected of copycatting Russian naval jet

    Right on, forget about J-15, China should import LCA navy version from India may be with TOT will be the best bet.:lol::D
  7. Ahchai Eliminator

    Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?

    Yes, keep dreaming for a permanent member of SEC should keep you guys happy for the coming decades, dream on cos its free.:oops:
  8. Ahchai Eliminator

    India,ranked the greenest!

    Anything wrong for telling the truth? prove him wrong instead of getting personal please. :lazy:
  9. Ahchai Eliminator

    Why India Should be a permanent member in UN security council?

    India by no means qualify for a permanent seat in SEC, a country even having trouble to be a stable nation (Maoist), still running under the most evil, discrimination system on the planet. (Caste-System). It will be a disgrace to the credibility of UN SEC if India will be allowed as a member. :no:
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