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  1. S

    Best tank?

    pakistan thinks that our LCA and arjun projects were failure due to long delays and technical difficulties. but they do see the other side but deny it i.e. by indigenously building these machines of war the knowledge we gained will help us complete our future projects in 1/4 the time they...
  2. S

    Attack Helicopter Match-Ups: India vs. Pakistan

    sometimes i really get frustrated by the comments written from both sides come on guy we are comparing our attack helos like we are the supreme users in attack helos league. come on guys india has about 30 to 40 old mi 35 later upgraded and pakistan has about 20 AH-1F which were used by usa in...
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    Meeting India's military challenge

    hahaha:rofl: gud one.
  4. S

    Meeting India's military challenge

    you know what Karthic Sri, u are so dam right our government has been spending over a billion dollars each year and still rising so that Kashmir wont become the next Afghanistan. you know what we should do ,each family who wants to go to their dear country Pakistan should be given at least 10...
  5. S

    Air Force Question Thread

    ok thanks for the info hataf
  6. S

    Air Force Question Thread

    hey guys before i start i would like to say that this is an excellent forum have read tens of threads and was very impressed. my question is what the difference between normal version and the naval version combat aircraft's bcoz they cost at least 30% higher than the simple version.
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