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  1. I

    Mumbai Attacks

    Whatever.. I guess you are making a mistake.. MMS is not a run of the mill politician(In fact he is not! in the first place). He does not mince words and does not talk with out a sound rationale. To sum it up If he summons ISI chief, that means he does have someting tangible. In India if...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    You caught me off gaurd.. but seriously Id really like to know about that phone call
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    Mumbai Attacks

    I don't see whats wrong in NSG walking around with his gun.. For petes sake you based your entire argument based on way off shots and looks alone. These boys know what they are doing. When did being tight equal to being professional.Alas when did we gain professionalim to comment on other...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Err Vinod what phone call was that?
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    Mumbai Attacks

    I am sure the decision to send Pasha would have been taken in consultation with Pasha himself. You guys place more emphasis on looks and demenear don't you. Mark my words MMS knows exactly what he is doing, he is very calculative and bases his decision on logic...Truth is he is way better...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Awwww .. here we ago.."Inow better thean you".. " I know inside out" blah blah and more blah.. There are few good men in this forum (your fellow nationals) who do really know what they are talking about and all of them don't start off with"I know better than you". Have you served in a SOF or...
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    Whatever... Guess what ... you are way off the mark. The contract has not been completely done yet. Add to that retooling your docks etc .. You are on a tangent on your timelines. Any ways like I said It will at best make life little difficult. I don't see any earth shattering changes in...
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    Did I even talk to you... I did not know that you were with your Naval chief when HDW briefed you Navy...
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    I once had the honour(?????????!!!!!) of debating with you. Only to find out that I had wasted time in providing detailed links to Indian Super computing programmes (thinking you were a professional)only to find that you were someone full of empty rhetoric , hot air from you.The only source you...
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    Just to play devils advocate.. Do you think that goiven the amount of resources in nuclear field, would Pakistan risk diverting resources in miniaturising nukes for cruise missiles. Also given your nations cofidence and the reliability and the difficulty to intercept BM's after so much...
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    Yeah I know .. sometime such things sprout out when armchair generals announce their declarations "IN is only numerically superior"... Of course it wouldn't be a debate is there weren't any counter to it wouldn't it! Aww its Wednesday night anyway...
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    I aint need to prove anything .. if you still don't know then you are either lazy to read or too proud to accept. Compare the micro procrurement aspects and you will see the larger picture. As they say the devil lies in detail > Radar, air defense radar procrurement(for Navy), AAM,s and I can...
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    Future Indo Pak War (Aerial War) (I Pray to Allah that it nver happens)

    Awww they teach that in your schools eh... yaawwwnnn
  14. I

    Pakistan Air Force — new challenges

    Just two points a. SL conflict was never a low intensity conflict to begin with. b. Indian fineese is applicable to Indian citiznes(sounds rude though) just like American democracy and human rights is for American citizens.. IPF
  15. I

    Is Kashmir key to Afghan peace?

    Yeahhh I remember .. the horse and poney show put by your government.. Three morons who sais they were trained by RAW right.. (I still don't understand what training RAW can give them when they themselves are battle hardened). The rest of all is mere speculation by armchair analysts who want...
  16. I

    Israeli Air Force chief: We are ready to deal with Iran

    Sir I beg to differ regarding surprise. Surprise does not mean keeping ones mouth shut, Surprise can mean catching the Iranians off gaurd with Israeli planes flying over their head only to find that their Ruskie radars did not show a blip or was down. I personally feel that the major factor or...
  17. I

    Is Kashmir key to Afghan peace?

    What a bloody statement. Where is the bloody proof. You always rant about India not providing proof, err what stops you from providing one. No radio intercepts, no Indian markings in weapons, no eapons residue, no sat intel on training camps. Id say Hippocracy at best. You just cant accepting...
  18. I

    Is Kashmir key to Afghan peace?

    Asim Srilankan conflict has nothing to do with Tamilnadu. It is their internal affairs. There is no such demand for seperate Tamil country from India except once from a notorious sandalwood smuggler. To sum it up your contention that there is serios uprising in South is off the tangent.
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    The real Red Flag facts...USAF briefing about IAF participation

    wOOOSHHH.. Hell yeah.. someone's fuming ....It takes truk loads of wounded pride to write such stuff. Good one ya mate... job well done
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    India falls behind neighbours in health, social indicators: UN

    True, we all have mutually benifitted from each other immensley. But how does this justify the fact that both UP and Bihar are given undue advantage in politics and national policies ?
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