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    The Kashmir Resolutions - Explanations

    Duhhh where did that come from!!!
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    indian LCH

    I jsut don't understand how you declare something a failure when the process is still going on. We accept failures where they occur, case point being "Trishul". O therwise I don't see why Indian governemnt will press on with major projects. Public opinion is the last thing on governments mind...
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    The Kashmir Resolutions - Explanations

    Actually UN resolutions are dead for all practical purposes because you never planned to work though UN system in the first place. Did UN resolution call for armed invasion (1947, 1965, Kargil). The purpose of a UN resolution was to solve the issue through the UN (International) system, no two...
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    Captured CST Terrorist

    Agreed, wed never know the truth, but what happened to Omar Sayeed Shake, Mazod Azhar and the Hijakers of Indian Airlines. Don't tell me that they vanished like thin air once they landed in Pakistan. Both were terrorists convicted in India. If Pakistan could provide them asylum then it means...
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    Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

    This time MMS has spoken, he often does not talk without substance. We already have a canary in the cage. I am more concerned about a ship that was supposed to be under Navy's control(Not being reported in media). MMS statment holds lot of water in international fora
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    Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

    Nope CNN international and BBC have stopped reporting on home grown terror issue. Infact they are very much propagating Indian stand. You are taking about a false flag operation here, the nature of which will definitely leave a trail how much ever you don't want to. So the touble is...
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    Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

    I don't know what yo are trying to convey here.. I was pointing to Icecold that parity or no parity, if the price is worth paying (For whatever reason) India will not hesitate to a full blown conflict. Also all this nuke theory is kind of going overboard. I think its nothing short of Bluff to...
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    Is Indian Aggresive Posturing Prelude to a Fourth War with Pakistan

    Does it even matter weather we are US or you are Iraq. We will have to pay a higher price and shall go to war if it is worth it.
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    Captured CST Terrorist

    Its wild guess, but we'd never know. Aslo a lot of pain killers must have entered his blood stream, may be it is having its tolll. Just guessing
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    Captured CST Terrorist

    There is a possibility that they must have subjected him to Narco analysis but have not let out the infomation. Nowadays Narco analysis has become commonplace in investigations in India. Just my 2 cents
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    Alternative theories to the Mumbai attack

    Any evidence provided will not suffice, for Petes sake Omar Syed Shake and Mazood Azhar, both conviceted in India roamed freely in Pakistan. If those are not terrosits and if they can roam freely I don't have any doubts that whatever cooperation they show will be nothing short of horse and Pony...
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    Indian forces criticised for lack of co-ordinated response in Mumbai

    Every nation has skeletons in its closet. All have terrible records of botching up. Israel is no different, Ask Muki Betsa who was second in command in the famed Entebee operation, how he terribly screwed up a his previous mission resultng in several deaths, The Germans did it in Munic Olympics...
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    Indian forces criticised for lack of co-ordinated response in Mumbai

    GP you need not provide explainations. The guys who went there knew what they were doing, unlike some who act like they bite the bullet every day. The person you provided explaination is nether a pro nor a trained person, why should you give two hoots about his opinion. Shame how he uses every...
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    Mumbai terror - a reason to attack Pakistan?

    That was totally lame. You lost Kargil miserably, no two ways about it, howmuch ever you would like to salvage sunken pride. 2002>>> Who told you that victroy can be achieved only by going all guns blazing. Parakram was a brilliant stroke of Indian Public diplomacy in which the armed...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Keys surprisingly the capture of a Pakistani vessel and taking into custody, its crew has not been reported by Indian media widely. The UNESCO chair for Peace a counter terrorism expert himself pointed out in CNN as to how his sources in the 'services' mentioned regarding a breakthrough from the...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Ok let me sum up my postings in this entire discussion. 1. Commenting on professionals(Indian commandoes) like we are 'one' does not serve purpose as we(those who critisized) for one are not there biting the bullets. 2.ISI Chief's visit ti India will bring in clarity over who is responsible...
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    hINDUVIDATA MY ARSE.. You and your fellow national (Metal falcon) claimed IN to be superior only in numerical terms, so don't you think the onus is on you to prove the gospel truth.. IPF
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    Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

    Cut the crap.. the debate was about Pakistans facility to perform simulation and you proved jack.. Simple read the forum... I am not jobless like you... Enough has been posted and debated in this forum itself. Doe it even matter, why don't you google it yourself.. The point is you dont...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Whatever.. Its your opinion... Yup your ISI chief was summoned. Whether your nations false pride tops or rationale tops is upto you as a nation to decide. I for one am sure that you don't have a choice at this moment. For Petes sake instead of false pride, see the positive side. Your ISI chief's...
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Why on earth would someone beg to Zardari in te first place...In fact I think the vice versa must have been true. When was the last time any Pakistani leader in recent times(Inluding Mushy) was known to have stood his ground. The man has something tangible and he wants to clear...
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