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  1. I

    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    I did not say anything to the contrary. I am not sure about SD 10 I think at best it will be comparable to Russian missiles in terms of performance, however MICA will be a good addition, Can you clarify , why is Pakistan going for two BVR platforms , when they have MICA whsy should they go...
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    Aim 120 cannot be easily integrated unless LM allows to go ahead.
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    Yes there are computers, powerful computational architecture allows faster processing of aesa information, Aesa is not the holy grail, it requires powerful computational architecture to process the information. Good that you know what everybody knows , which means Su will have a bigger radar...
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    Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

    Agno you have to understand that, India's statements are at the best crowd pleasers , pleasing the Tamil audience who have a very strong say in the governmnet. I am sure India would be very happy for you to do the job for us.
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    My my that was a mistake ,, thanx for pointing out I was comparing it with Su 30 in terms of upgrades . Yes the size of the plane and its nose does matter when installing radar, its powerful computer and cooling solutions and other paraphanelia. In case you are talking about France I don't...
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    Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

    Coast guards role is to guard our coast from external threats and smugglers entering the country.
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    Pakistan dumped nuclear waste in Afghanistan

    MAQAD Americans developed Massive ordinance Airblast (MOAB) bomb and thermobaric bombs that suck out oxygen in Tora bora caves
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    Nothing has been finalised. rb2e offerd is a pesa, so is the current radar in Su , howver Russians are good in PESA and the nose size is big enough to accomodate a biger and a better radar, computer and cooling solutions. Other then that I dont see anything earth shattering like Spectra etc...
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    Why they hate China

    Thanx I know you did not intend to do so. Did we start threads blaming the Chinese. As far as I see it is only Chinese and Paksitanis who are startingg threads all over the place over fear, paranoia or a lack of self confidence. Prove me an instance where India has officially targetted...
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    PLAAF's Su MKK is not equalent to MKI. It does not have the same avionics or radar as MKI or MKM has. That said MKM and MKI are pretty much the same except that MKM uses fench avionics and MKI along with french uses Israeli avionics. I have heard J10 has been evaluated with su 30 mkk, but...
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    Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

    It is the cost guard that monitors the water in that part. Normally you dont employ high tech warships to catch some smuggling fishermen It is Srilankas navys job to monitor and safeguard their shores , not ours
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    Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

    I dont think they receive, a majority of supplies from India. Ltte has a large and a wide network for smuggling goods from all over the world. That said Items like food(rice especially), ball bearings, batterys torches, wires, some even speculate that they receive rpg stell casings from...
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    Can you prove me otherwise. I asked you to show the proof that Kashmir conflict is simmering like the way in bosnia or chechenya or Sl. If you cant never mind replying. But then what amn I doing replyimg to your oneliners
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    If at all you can read all my posts, the underlying fact I emphasise is let us leave Kashmir issue out, settle it with converting LOC to IB and let us live in peace. I am not a war mongerer like you , that said I am pragmatic in what I say. If ever you can understand what one posts
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    Pakistan Beware, They Are Cornering China!

    Let the mods decide, not you or are you threatning me Pissing off? I stand by what I say, I have read this forum for long enough to understand that though not perfect(but then who is perfect), still allows one to express opinions that are rational. So I care less to what you think. Seems...
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    Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

    Drugs? can you provide much more info into this
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    Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

    Agno , the LTTE after years of fighting have established strong supply routes both for weapons and money. For years they have been procruring arms through illegal arms trade across the world, I remember reading recently that an agent of the organisation was arrrested in the the west for trying...
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    That is where stealth alnong with ecm play a role for F 35.
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    Sri Lanka’s SOS to Pakistan for urgent arms supplies

    The issue here is not that Delhi is unhappy, infact it must be very happy in allowing Pakistan to supply weapons , something whcih it cannot do openly because of Tamil pressure from south India. You think if we were so pissed off , we couldnt have spurced up TIGER'S arsenel and made Srilanka eat...
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    Su-30MKI & JF-17 Air Fight

    F 35 is will be the primary strike fighter meaning it will play the primary role of ground attack with good airdefence capability, However the Raptor is an airdominance fighter with secondary ground attack role , so comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges
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