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  1. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    Maybe the world should have ended in 2012 when the Mayans predicted.
  2. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    Unfortunately I think government is scared/too corrupt to go after them. Plus, when the current party in power may have links to some sectarian terror groups there's not much hope.
  3. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    The only people who should feel the age of terror are terrorists
  4. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    They should. Its getting ridiculous now, how many more years to people have to suffer in fear?
  5. Dance

    Islamabad on high alert

    Does anyone know whats going? Apparently military has been called in and there are threats of various attacks on locations such the Monal and on the Faisal Mosque
  6. Dance

    Upcoming Pakistani films

    Already a thread on this: http://www.defence.pk/forums/general-images-multimedia/117149-upcoming-pakistani-films.html Mods can someone merge the threads?
  7. Dance

    Attacks outside Indian embassy in Jalalabad left 9 civilians dead.

    Alright, but I didn't say you specifically were blaming Pakistan.
  8. Dance

    Attacks outside Indian embassy in Jalalabad left 9 civilians dead.

    Now Indians are just trying to justify the taliban so that they can blame Pakistan (without any proof). However in all other instances, they have no trouble blaming them for everything. Talk about selective hypocrisy :lol:
  9. Dance

    Attacks outside Indian embassy in Jalalabad left 9 civilians dead.

    Suddenly the talibans words are trust worthy and believable? Next time the taliban attack Pakistan and then claim they didn't do it, we can all use the same logic and say a country thats nasty towards Pakistan did it instead
  10. Dance

    Taliban are only revlutionaries in Pakistan?

    Neither was Pakistan able to by itself either, remember the U.S and Saudi Arabia were also a part of that whole fight against the soviets.
  11. Dance

    Pakistan has officially recognized the State of Kosovo

    I agree. Their own people are dying to escape from Afghanistan to Pakistan and never return there. But they still want to lay claims over territories even though locals from that area would never want to be a part of afghanistan. Such amazing logic
  12. Dance

    Taliban are only revlutionaries in Pakistan?

    Then I guess that was Afghanistan bearing the fruit of the taliban due to their failed attempt in invading Pakistan in the 50's and their supporting baloch separatists. Pakistan made a lot of bad mistakes but Afghanistan was the first to interfere in Pakistan.
  13. Dance

    UK: 3 Sikhs convicted of attacking Lt General Kuldip Singh Brar

    I love how the topic is about some sikhs slashing some Indian generals throat and all indians can talk about is Pakistanis in the UK. Anyways most Sikhs outside of India tend to be anti-India from what I've noticed.
  14. Dance

    Initial report of D.I. Khan jailbreak

    Basically the problem is that no one takes security seriously. Even though many of these attacks have occurred in the past, no one does anything to prevent them from happening again. Pakistani jails are a joke and not secure enough. Anyone could probably walk in and out undecteted. The army...
  15. Dance

    Pakistan extends stay of Afghan refugees till 2015

    Pakistan should just kick them out and send them back when America/NATO withdraws from afghanistan.
  16. Dance

    Burka Avenger | Pakistan's Animated Female Superhero | Updates & Episodes.

    Its not, not that many women wear burkhas in Pakistan. In Karachi for example, most women will wear to bazars because or places like that since the men there stare a lot and makes them feel uncomfortable. Sari's are still worn in Pakistan but usually for special occasions like a wedding or...
  17. Dance

    how often do different ethnic groups marry in Pakistan?

    Its pretty common, most Pakistanis I know don't really tend to care what ethnic background another Pakistani is from. There are exceptions of course. Pakistanis tend to be concerned with the religious background of a person rather than the ethnic one when it comes to marriage in my opinion.
  18. Dance

    Top Torrent Sites and Richard Dawkins Blocked in Pakistan

    Those kind of websites aren't going to be a loss to society as a whole since only a certain segment of the population will search for **** sites. Youtube is the largest video hosting website in the world, and yes theres a lot of stupid stuff on there too, but a lot of people still use youtube...
  19. Dance

    Top Torrent Sites and Richard Dawkins Blocked in Pakistan

    I mean Pakistan may as well ban the whole internet then since theres all sort of vulgar and offensive stuff around. Youtube is actually helpful because you can find tutorials on various things and as one poster said people upload educational lessons on there. The only websites that should be...
  20. Dance

    Top Torrent Sites and Richard Dawkins Blocked in Pakistan

    Some of people are saying they are not able to open it from various places in Pakistan on twitter. So I don't know whats going on with that. I wouldn't be surprised if they ban it nationally though.
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