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  1. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    I don't know too much about ASWJ but SSP aka LEJ is definitely involved in killings. To be fair, the media has not really covered the killings of Hazara's either. They have messed up priorities. Anyways I prefer not to look at these things through a religious or ethnic angle. Many...
  2. Dance

    What did you give us except more death? Shia leader asks Pak army chief

    Can people please check existing threads before posting? http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/228792-four-explosions-quetta-17-people-killed.html I already posted an article on this in there
  3. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    And of course the media gives no coverage to the sit in Quetta to protest against the killings. https://twitter.com/Aushpaz/status/289748561720135682/photo/1/large
  4. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Yeah, they even formed an alliance with them recently. PMLN Alliance with SSP/ASWJ
  5. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    The article has already been posted in here: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistans-war/228792-four-explosions-quetta-17-people-killed-25.html
  6. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Yeah I was wondering about that too. Theres been a lot a of allegations now that groups like the LEJ is a "proxy" of the Pakistan army, which is why nothing is being done about them. I know they have the support of PML-N but the army?
  7. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    How much influence does the LEJ have in Balochistan? I've heard that they were threatening doctors in Quetta yesterday to not treat the patients because they were Shia/Hazara.
  8. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Shia leaders question Army chief over Quetta carnage QUETTA: Shia leaders on Friday publicly questioned Pakistani army chief General Ashfaq Kayani over security in the country after the previous day’s bombings aimed at the minority sect killed at least 102 people in Quetta, the capital of...
  9. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Sorry, but you're in no condition no lecture others especially looking at the state of people like the Bahai'i in your country. Yes Shia's have been increasingly targeted recently, but many other non-Shia's have died too. A sunni mosque in Swat was targeted yesterday too
  10. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Thanks for the update :rolleyes: But apparently it was attack on NATO containers.
  11. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    True, without education a country will never progress. I hope the youth of Pakistan wake up and try to bring a change so that at least their children/grandchildren will see a better Pakistan then what we see now. Thank you and likewise! :cheers:
  12. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    I will go back to Pakistan once I'm done with school. People in India want change and to progress and work for their country. People in Pakistan want to argue and fight over pointless things . You know there's something seriously wrong when the society in Pakistan of my grandparents time was a...
  13. Dance

    At least 13 dead, 60 injured in blast outside Swat religious centre

    You can't have democracy until you have stability and law and order. Since Pakistan lacks both, someone needs to come and seriously clean up the mess Pakistan has become and straighten out the people. Then we can think of having a true democracy in Pakistan.
  14. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    You're right. I was angry to see that the media was giving such extensive coverage to such trivial things such as what Altaf Hussain said or that long march by Tahir-ul-Qadr, rather then show the fact that more than a 100 people died today in various parts of Pakistan. Like I said until...
  15. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    I would love to return to Pakistan and do something, unfortunately me as one person cannot being about a big change. The problem with Pakistan is apathy, until someone you know or someone of your particular ethnic/religious sect gets killed, you're not going to care. It's hard to bring change...
  16. Dance

    Four explosions in Quetta

    Extremely sad to hear about this. Unfortunately, people will express outrage today and then forget it about it tomorrow (except for the family and friends of the victims) and these people will become just a statistic in thousands of people who have been killed in Pakistan. Until the people...
  17. Dance

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    Pakistani army has denied that: Pakistan rejected the allegations, saying it had carried out "ground verification" and found that "nothing of this sort happened as being alleged by India," a Pakistani military official said in a statement to NBC News. Pakistan and India trade barbs over...
  18. Dance

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    Just wait for the official reports to come out. Your media first said that one of the soliders was beheaded (which turned out to be a lie) so theres no point in speculating
  19. Dance

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    I could pull out a bunch of articles that state that Indian soliders attacked Pakistani on the LOC this year. The attacks are not one sided, don't believe everything your war mongering/drama loving media tells you.
  20. Dance

    Two Indian soldiers killed in LoC skirmish: Indian army

    I don't know either. In my opinion Pakistan should be highlighting the fact that India attacked and killed one of our soldiers first.
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