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  1. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    True. Afghans have been fighting each other for centuries, today Punjabis are their scapegoats tomorrow it'll be the Somalis!
  2. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    The real enemies of afghan pashtuns are tajiks and uzbeks. Since they control afghanistan, our afghan friend cannot outrightly blame them so he tries to blame punjabis instead.
  3. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    I could care less. But a big segment of your population, aka the taliban and even non-taliban supporters, do see ISAF as being "occupiers". Hence when many people in your country thinks they are being occupied, you havent won the war.
  4. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    You may not see it as occupation but your afghan taliban brothers certainly do. Thats why they're fighting against them.
  5. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Seriously how can you never lose a war when there are 40 + countries occupying your country currently?
  6. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Yeah I think this is a map from before 2011
  7. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    afghanistan has never lost a war?! LOL Is that why there are about troops of 42 different countries present in afghanistan?
  8. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Well Lahore might be the heart of Pakistan, but Karachi is the brain! :smart:
  9. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    Well I am a Karachiite!
  10. Dance

    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    No sane Pakistani would ever want that "country" ( I use that term lightly) as our fifth province.
  11. Dance

    No place for Ahmadis in Imran Khan’s Naya Pakistan

    Actually zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was the one who declared Ahmedis non-Muslim in the 1973 constitution (with pressure from Jamaat and other religious parties of course) So I don't get how people can consider PPP a liberal party when their founder was the one who introduced this
  12. Dance

    The military identifies militants as the new enemy

    My question is relevant to this thread as much as your comment is.
  13. Dance

    Pakistani national, Sanaullah attacked in high security central jail

    Read Web Master's post thats above yours and you'll get your answer.
  14. Dance

    The military identifies militants as the new enemy

    Why doesn't the Afghan army implement these things first?
  15. Dance

    Pakistani national, Sanaullah attacked in high security central jail

    Now Indian's can't claim any moral high ground anymore. Its interesting how the attacker was a "former Indian Army soldier"
  16. Dance

    Hundreds in Pakistan pay tribute to bin Laden

    Why open that up in Pakistan when there's hundreds of Bin Ladin University of Terror' already present in afghanistan?
  17. Dance

    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    Just show them an afghan forum and see what they say about Pakistanis, they'll change their views. Pakistanis should start realizing who their enemy is. I'll post something in that stupid and funny from all around the world thread to show how Pakistani Pashtuns make fun of these people
  18. Dance

    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    They must not have been exposed to the true nature of Afghans. Interestingly, the people who dislike them the most are Pakistani Pashtuns. Every Pakistani Pashtun I've met has told me how they dont like Afghans.
  19. Dance

    Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

    Thats changing. Thanks to the internet and by interacting with Afghans, Pakistanis are finding out the true nature of Afghans. Most Pakistanis I know really don't like them.
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