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  1. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Also, take a look at this "chilling" documentary from Channel 4 (British TV). Its about the Gujarat riots. (sorry it was posted in five parts on youtube) #1) #2) #3) #4) #5)
  2. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    HINDU[TVA] ACTIVISTS RIOT IN INDIA'S BANGALORE http://www.secularindia.com/news/2007/01/2...20ACTIVISTS.htm 21 Jan 2007 Source: Reuters BANGALORE, India, Jan 21 (Reuters) - Hundreds of Hindu activists burnt shops owned by Muslims and set vehicles ablaze in the southern city of...
  3. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    What you are calling "Certain places", the UNO have called it "systamatic Opression of Minorities" in report published for 2006. here are few more things which prove that it is not at some places, but all minorities in India are facing same treatment, however Muslim are worst oppressed...
  4. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    These figures are not disputed by Indian government, the talk about baisedness is only comming from Hindu extremist parties. And secondly this is not a comparison thread, you want to talk about Pakistan, you can open a new thread and we would discuss there, UN, HRCI, Amensty International and...
  5. MirBadshah

    'Rebels kill 15 Indian soldiers

    Seperatist movements in India are a result of opression by a religious group and inequality on basis of origon, race, religion and culture. There is no role of outside $$$$ but it is always a result of social sickness in society which ultimately results in to destruction of borders if not...
  6. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6520945.stm Kashmir to probe illegal killings The government in Indian-administered Kashmir has set up a commission to probe recent alleged extra-judicial killings by security forces. In February, police said DNA tests confirmed that a supposed...
  7. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Victims of bias, Muslims at bottom of social barrel’ http://www.indianexpress.com/story/2670.html Jayanth Jacob Sachar panel initial findings Most BPL Muslims can’t access welfare schemes, 60% landless, equal number skip school NEW DELHI, April 17: Discriminated against...
  8. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    Correct your record, it is not crazy Mullah who want to destroy great India, it is Indian people who are fed up of extreme hunger, super power dreams and military spendings. They want food and when they do not get they would naturally kill each other, in past five years more people have been...
  9. MirBadshah

    Musharraf wanted war over Kashmir, says Benazir

    How many cases from "labour Union" are pending in labour courts, any figures to support your arguments that 'cronies" made stell mills worthless? Or any PPP related union?
  10. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Interceptor, According to the report of commission set by President of India, the literacy rate in rural Muslim is 3% only and 97% of Muslims do not have a luxury of "water pump" for derinking water as well, I would try to post the report here.
  11. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Although its offtopic, i hope, mods do not mind, but Hindu's in Pakistan are much more prosperous the Muslims, although we do not have classification on basis of religion for our citizens but still Hindu's are very visibly well off.
  12. MirBadshah

    Official: ISI Fan Club

    Also this in not a thread for religious discussions, let us stick to the topic.
  13. MirBadshah

    Official: ISI Fan Club

    No, muslim too can not convert, but they are not labelled "enemy agent" and killed in faked encounters.
  14. MirBadshah

    Official: ISI Fan Club

    Seems to be another case of "religious intolerence", Hindu's are not allowed to conver to any other religion. ISI would not be that **** to send guys to claric for converting to Islam and secondly a "Chat Kid" would not be a good "source" for ISI either. The city have quite important...
  15. MirBadshah

    'Rebels kill 15 Indian soldiers

    If India was fighting against the "foreign militants" then a force of few thousands would have been enough. But the problem is they have to fight entire population of Kashmir, thats why they need such big deployment. Now, if they pull out Kashmiri people would eat them, if they stay there...
  16. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Muslim in India are uneducated, un organised and have little oppertunity to get organised, the local agenies, RAW, IB and police keeps them under a constant state of fear, unless they get organised and stand for their rights, no body can help them
  17. MirBadshah

    Stop Dalit Atrocities

    It is barbaric, United Nations have already termed it as "systematic oppression" but the powerful west do not want to take it seriously because of political intrests. If same thing was happening in some middle eastern country, the mighty US and NATO would have been there to "liberate" the...
  18. MirBadshah

    Imran khan refuses PCB chaimanship

    This the best way he can serve the country, but he dreams to be PM.
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