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  1. MirBadshah

    India's Defense Lab Seen as National Industry Failure

    There was a similar report from a former V-Chief of Army Staff of India stating same facts and mentioning the failures of DRDO, delays and havy dependence of imports of military needs. (I would try to search it and post). His concern was that in such state of affairs, when DRDO have failed in...
  2. MirBadshah

    UK man's new life as Indian 'goddess'

    You are going out of limits, if there are she male muslims (which is not relevent here) with hormonal abnormality or confused sex status, we treat them as "patients", have you seen a shmale god in Muslims? And this is forum, every one have right to participate in ongoing discussion, why you...
  3. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    Hey, English is my second language, and also I have no plans to work in some "call centre" and "take over the world", its enough for communication.....lol I can wish you good luck, you think you can opress people by killing them forever. It have never worked before in history and not going to...
  4. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    I didnt claimed that Pakistan is a rich country, we are not delusioned to think that we are taking over the world. We are a developing country and trying our best to provide batter life to our people. You are beating around the bush in every reply, this thread I repaet this thread is about...
  5. MirBadshah

    UK man's new life as Indian 'goddess'

    I am not abusing and have not said a single word which can be insulting, you want proof of what I have said? Indian mainstream medai is reporting these details.
  6. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    What about other 120 seperatist organisations killing thousands and thousands every year? Do not India need troops to station there now, I mean Maoist issue is getting out of hand, in todays incident police says they can not keep law and order as they are busy fighting insurgatnts. Dont you...
  7. MirBadshah

    UK man's new life as Indian 'goddess'

    Can a Indian "shemale" also be a god or only white one would work? I have read details, some Hindu's are complaining that they have touched and the guy have a "Dick", he can not be a "Goddess", it there any law which can relax the rules for being appointed a god?
  8. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    OOy genius, First buy some wheat for 800 million hungery................lol Forget, Pakistan have already started wheat exports to India. BTW what this planes thing have to do with killing of innocent women and childern by Indian force in Kashmir?
  9. MirBadshah

    UK man's new life as Indian 'goddess'

    Read my post, it is in English and very clear that there is nothing like figures either 786 or 788 in Muslim religious books or practice. No one can say 786 before starting a prayer...........lol Come on what you want to discuss? You are free to ask anything, I would try to explain you...
  10. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    I have put these facts from reliable sources (without adding anything from myself) you have right to challange these facts, or develop enough moral courage to accept these as true, rather then behaving like kids.
  11. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Well, you can stop any one talking anything, when some one can not argue, it is the best tool. If freedom struggle in Kashmir was merely a cross border insurgancy, then a couple of thousand troops would been enought on control line. Why 7,00,000 Indian troops are deployed there, the 80,000...
  12. MirBadshah

    UK man's new life as Indian 'goddess'

    It dont mean anything for Muslim, a so called scholar from Eguypt forwarded this theory of count of numbers of words, but was unable to pass the test when confronted by scholars. BTW, what is common in worshipping a "Shemale" or marrying a tree and a figure? You batter know that these homo...
  13. MirBadshah

    Kashmir The Freedom of Struggle

    Wht do you have to bring Pakistan as a shield to cover every barbaric act you commet? This is not how mature people debate, if you want to defend your acts give some logic not a comparison. If you are too eager to do comparision of India then do with Nazi's, it is more proper.
  14. MirBadshah

    Lawyers clash with police across UP

    http://www.dailyindia.com/show/133331.php/Lawyers-clash-with-police-across-UP Lawyers clash with police across UP From our ANI Correspondent Allahabad/ Lucknow/ Varanasi, Apr 13: Protesting against the highhandedness of the police, lawyers clashed with them in Allahabad, Lucknow and...
  15. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Then batter give a reading to above facts and try to contribute something which is not "half cooked" but relevent to above barbaric acts against Muslim in India, rather then bringing in Pakistan. If you want to discuss the Pakistan issue, i would be happy to join you if you open a new thread.
  16. MirBadshah

    history of hate and violance against muslims in india

    Open a new thread or if there is existing thread on that issue, we can discuss there, no problem. Do not dilute this thread by diverting and beating around the bush. If you have something to contribute here, please do.
  17. MirBadshah

    GDP growth to sustain at 7.5-6.8% in 2007-08: report

    GDP growth to sustain at 7.5-6.8% in 2007-08: report http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2007\04\13\story_13-4-2007_pg5_8 Staff Report KARACHI: The government in the forthcoming budget 2007-08 is likely to reduce the burden on the corporate sector through reduction in taxes...
  18. MirBadshah

    Assam's missing women and the sex trade

    Assam's missing women and the sex trade By Subir Bhaumik BBC News, Assam http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/6430811.stm?ls Many of the missing women end up like these alleged arrested call girls The biggest problem in India's north-eastern state of Assam is separatist...
  19. MirBadshah

    UK man's new life as Indian 'goddess'

    Jab khuda hi khusra ho tu makhluq ka kia banay ga. (If god is a she male, what would happen to creation)
  20. MirBadshah

    Afghan refugees vow to stay put

    Childern of "Refugees" do not make the nationals of country where they are sheltered under UN rules and Pakistani law both. We are already a over populated state and if these refugees stay in Pakistan, they would travle frequently to Afghanistan and no one would be able to stop drugs and guns...
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