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  1. W

    Boy, Five, Begs Soldiers Not To Take His Dad

    lovely fantasy :tup:
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    USA Saudi Arabia Sale Is Said to be $30 Billion, With New 84 F-15 jets

    saudis are a dream customer. they throw around billions like its pocket change. the defense expenditure is really excessive as % of gdp though.
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    India has raised the stakes

    nice attempt to cheapshot NRIs as tech support but they're making their way to the top of US technology and financial corporations as managers / researchers. They're also among the most successful enterpreneurs. a lot of the intellectual property owned by the western technology companies is...
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    if the flyway cost for each f18sh comes to 100M or nearabouts, thats just very very expensive. f35s are going to be offered at near that price point. :tdown: looks like the f16s won't be much cheaper either. both are bloody expensive platforms.
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    To Pakistani Media

    Can you please be careful with the use of the term Genocide? Its a very serious accusation.
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    yes, i said this before. if they cost the same, i'll take the F18 SH. i think SH will cost more considering this On 3 May 2007, the Australian Government signed a contract to acquire 24 F/A-18Fs for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), at a cost of AU$2.9 billion, as an interim...
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    Gorshkov to be handed over to India by Dec '12

    why exactly do we need a carrier? point me to a thread if one is already there. thanks
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    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    you might want to read this about the f-16 F-16 Fighting Falcon operators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia its not going out of spares. since there is a major reinvestment factor, its better to work with LM as it makes further acquisitions from that company easier (i see no reason why...
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    Ah....The reason why Uncle SAM is whining.

    the arabs will just drink oil if they at all manage to do something like this :D
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    double standards between whom? is omar abdullah bush?
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    wtf is this? i condemn the killings too but the idea that its done on the basis of religion is just absurd. its a result of the incompetence and bad methods .abuses due to government corruption and incompetence happen everywhere (pak, us, china ...)
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    The train carrying the BMC military trucks was derailed in Erzincan by PKK

    duh, whatever. i was talking in a very loose philosophically distant sense. :cheers:
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    Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia

    dude, net net i am not denying that the chinese are smart. i am just telling you that the frequency of genius and high genius is much much higher in the jews. Information Processing: ashkenazim he is someone (a physicist of ethnic chinese ancestry living in the US) who knows a lot about all...
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    Explaining Low IQ Scores in Africa, South Asia

    are you a moron. 20th century physics is almost entirely jewish. the absolute crem de la crem of 20th century physics. the undisputed giants.
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    I Saw a Mother

    humans are all basically good.:cheers:
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    Army To Reduce its Night Blindness, Arjun Mk-II To Have Panoramic Commander's Sight

    why is there so much kanjoosi against the army with shitty projects and equipment. navy and air force are being funded much better.
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    The clock is ticking for USA....

    gambit, the finance folks don't always understand what they're doing and i think they'll end up crashing the system irreparably some time. criticism of financial markets is legit.
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    The train carrying the BMC military trucks was derailed in Erzincan by PKK

    tells you the value of the right relationships and nothing else. all freedom movements have some valid grounds, and no method really works.
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    The start of all wars with India - A pakistani perspective

    should relations ever reach a breaking point, i'd want india to start the war and drop the first nukes too should it reach that point. you can take the previlege of ending it, by surrender :cheers:
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