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    India sneaked rotten rice in Bangladesh

    Hanlon's razor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    lets not discuss the past but instead the future.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    screw this. pissing match all over again.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    @desiman. but there are districts in kashmir which don't want union with india. leaving pakistan aside, we'll still have to solve the problem with them at some point.
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    Sensationalizing military drill could backfire: China

    every country has its zion hamid types.
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    Americans get a bitter taste of Muslim anger...That too in India!

    indian muslims have nothing on the US really. no policy has directly affected them adversely. self righteous posturing is nothing new to politicians.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    what happens behind closed door negotiations is different from discussing public opinion. i understand your position. ---------- Post added at 04:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:43 AM ---------- jack, not anther india pak pissing match which sidelines kashmir.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    @imran and ajtr : please resist derailing the thread into another pissing match. i seriously want to discuss indian attitudes and how they might evolve.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    @ ajtr : lets not derail the serious and contemplative nature of the thread. though i'll just humour pakistan for one post : actually, this is the best solution freedomhouse.org: Map of Freedom in the World give them a prime minister and a flag, but take away all political rights and...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    its got nothing to do with economics. we've got enough money to hold on indefinitely.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    what do you think happens today if we demilitarize kashmir today? do we get instant sabotage of all civilian government infrastructure?
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    yaar kuchh bhi bak bak karte ho. go to university and take some courses on econ before all this poor and arms expenditure bullshit.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    china occupied kashmir is unpopulated. i kinda agree with you on this actually. more autonomy and withdrawal of security forces from civilian areas is definitely on the cards and something that should kickstart the normalization of cultural and economic relations. it could backfire for all...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    whats with the cryptography dudes?
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    India has raised the stakes

    @Developereo : you're smarter than i thought :lol: i do understand brainwashing exercises in america by interests having followed the latest bamboozling by the bankers. i had no idea about foreign policy lobyying though, having found geo politics to be a waste of time until recently. this is...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    kahaawat ki maa behan :lol:
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    Britain's biggest warship uncovered

    i think china has developed long range hypersonic ground to sea missiles just to counteract the nimitz class carriers. no other country has these.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    actually, i think pakistan is sufficiently disordered internally to not be trusted on anything. a free kashmir would really be just a start for the public there. the dreams for 'union' with kashmir will take flight after that. attempts to bring puppet governments into power and what not. non...
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    India readies cyber army to hack into hostile nations' computer systems

    this is a big problem in an open democracy. everything we do is in the open. for chrissakes matters relating to national security should be kept under wraps.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    hahaha, the thread kinda illustrates that its more than a few generations away. i do think given the mistrust of pakistan, kashmiris would be wise to completely dissociate themselves from pakistan to have any chance of freedom.
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