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  1. W

    Chinese Concept: The Train that Never Stops

    all of the chinese people on the forum talk with an engineering bent. how is that?
  2. W

    'Most in Arab world want nuclear Iran'

    yep, its the rest of the worlds worst nightmare too. west aligned dictatorships are the only thing keeping the only major totalitarian-fascist memplex in the world in check. :azn: btw, given how smart you are, i'd be surprised if you haven't seen through this memeplex for what it is.
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    On topic and hillarious
  4. W

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    naah, no intention of derailing the thread and no idea how my remark could've even done that. neway.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    @asim : your ability to consistently get a kick out of this issue amazes me :)
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    so a one in 10 million chance of dying scares you ? a crazy frequent flier might take 20000 flights in his lifetime or so. thats a 2/1000 chance of lights out due to flying. somrthing to think about. i am not worried at all now :lol: i fly just a few round trips a year thats it.
  7. W

    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    so what are my chances of dying each time i take a commercial flight :) ?
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    so you're worried about a crash all the time on a commercial airliner? i thought that people who hated flying hated the g forces.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    actually, its counterintuitive. the more pakistan steps away, the likelier it is that public opinion will change in india. or so i think. i dunno.
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    haha, ever wondered how those awesome airshow maneuvers feel inside the craft then :) india isn't that big actually. normal maglev works just fine for us (4 hours max any city to another). but we don't have the money yet.
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    China Developing a Train That Will Run at 620 Miles Per Hour

    awesome speed. land travel at these speeds will junk air planes and eliminate dependence on oil :tup:
  12. W

    US-Vietnam discuss Nuclear deal - China concerned

    oh then you deserve the hatred :lol:
  13. W

    China Builds First Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Base?

    hmmm, has there been discussion on who is likely to use nukes when? i mean, we really don't know if / when nukes come into play in case of a conventional attack.
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    US-Vietnam discuss Nuclear deal - China concerned

    what has china done to vietnam to incur such hatred in return?
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    Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

    as much as everyone likes to deny it, there are features in the religion that produce higher propensities to mob and vigilante violence(blasphemy/apostacy related lynchings / danish embassy attacks etc), organized armed violence(taliban style etc), violence resulting out of individual paranoia...
  16. W

    New US missile can hit Pak, Iran nuclear sites

    makes no sense at all. usa has a carrot and stick + creep in under the radar approach to pakistan.
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    Winner of MRCA: time to place ur bets

    the US stays far ahead in developing and using air to air missile in battle. russian missiles are not battle tested. meteor is not developed yet and the french ones are also not battle tested.
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    Winner of MRCA: time to place ur bets

    SH. i want a2a missiles that actually work :lol:
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    Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

    i've kinda made my point and this is not the forum to dig deeper into a taxonomy of the belief violence causality.
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    Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

    you're deliberately ignoring features of the religion that gives loonies and the psychologically ill the nudge to go out and kill, and even more amazingly kill themselves in the process. yes islam is a tool and it seems to be an easy one to use as an instrument for violence. other...
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