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  1. N

    Pakistan’s Nukes Are Here To Stay, Get Used To It

    the indians and yanks et al do talk crap all the time
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    Tata unveils the world's cheapest car

    a briliant effort, kudos to tata
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    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    mindless violence must be stamped out if her so called supporters loved her then they are realising her dream, of anarchy. they must be stamped out.
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    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    she was not bigger than pakistan
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    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    Inshallah our beloved pakistan will remain under the protection of the Allmighty
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    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    malang already it has a negative press and which will go down for sure.. and it is not a country that anyone except Pakistanis seem to think is peaceful.. jewish hindu chritisitan propaganda notwithstanding.. the press is only propoganda, lies and far from the truth. pakistan is a strong...
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    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    she was anti state she should have stayed in dubai with her family and billions of dollars. she serialy betrayed the country and firmly stated she would do the same again. no wonder she was the darling of the west and bhaRat. we take racial slurs very seriously consider this the only...
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    BREAKING NEWS: Benazir Bhutto assassinated

    why are her supporters burning and rioting she is dead her leadership is another debate but why is there rioting. this is pvt and public property. the rioters should be severely dealt with
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    Why I won't live among Hindus

    the world is not stupid but complicit, as this is a global cross national policy, the us in me, israel and of course india which kills its 'own' people.
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    Why I won't live among Hindus

    salim from studying your post you are unable to refute the oppresive anti muslim environment in particular and anti minority situation within india. worringly this is state sponsored and popular with the majority of hindus like your self. from hindu only hotels and flats to jobs for hindus in...
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    Why I won't live among Hindus

    in india the state facilitates the murder of muslims by the thousands, during the reign of indira gundhi muslims were forcibly steralised, for muslims it must be the most oppresive state in the world, rulled by coward back stabbers. there is discrimination on a state and social level. i use...
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    Indian Explosives in Indian Blasts!

    only against indians lol
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    Churches burnt in India

    i had made a comment on a different thread, which was regarding the economic condition of muslims in india. salim then proceeded to attack my comments using the alleged plight of minorities in pakistan as the main thrust of his rebuttle. the killing of christians, the state sponsured killing of...
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    Muslims in Indian economy: interview with Dr. Omar Khalidi

    it is openly stated in many housing complexes hotels etc in india that muslims are not allowed. this is common knowledge. they are proud of it (the complex mangers) i would encourage every one to visit that coutry to see what a poor state it is in. lack of basic infrastructure is evident...
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    Musharraf sworn in as President 29/9/07 - Retires from Army 28/9/07

    the importance of this cannot be downplayed 1- the first pakistani leader to choose the date of relinquishing power 2- a new army chief appointed by the last, who steps aside 3- continuity for another five years of policy assuming mush retains presidency which itself will show the loyalty of...
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    Pakistan's collapse, America's problem

    America has overplayed its hand in the world and cannot have what it wants, infact before the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos at best people would have said the us of a could not have everything it wants (being an alleged uberpower) now most people would say it will have nothing it wants. our...
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    Bhutto - Imperial, Jealous

    she is disgusting
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    'India more important for US than Pakistan'

    salaams at least the us of a is upfront. we are suffering but ignorant speculation that Pakistan can be hyjacked by any minority is daft. unfortunately our country has had to contend with political instiility but as a whole is Alhumdurillah supremely resiliant. certainly the medium and long...
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    Pakistan, Russia ‘vulnerable to N-theft’

    the states has a great ability to point fingers even when it is almost always at fault. we all know their underlying theme of maligning pakistan inparticular. 1- the us loosing track of nuclear weapons 2- loosing weaponary in iraq 3- killing millions of innocent people around the world for...
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