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  1. Abhiras

    India Pakistan Comparison 2010

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ China and India Uplift Millions from Slums as U.S. Inequality Grows (One World, Many Peaces) China and India Uplift Millions from Slums as U.S. Inequality Grows China Slums and India Slums Get SmallerThink it's impossible to lift millions of people out of...
  2. Abhiras

    Kashmir pact was just a signature away

    well,I do not think it is possible till 2014....thanks to hung parliament in india...... the opposition has already warned the government to not to do any secret agreement on Kashmir..... BJP,rest of NDA,Left,Forword block,SP,BSP & even many supporters of government will not agree....&...
  3. Abhiras

    Our Hero Is Raja Dahir Not Muhammad Bin Qasim, Haji Adeel- ANP

    i was expecting the typical 'riot' reply from some pakistani members.... Indian muslim represent more then 10% Muslims of the world ..... there are 161 million muslim (1-2yr old estimate)who are proud India(which is almost equal to 174 million which are in your country) 2011 censes of...
  4. Abhiras

    India may Drop Russia Completely

    If US can be friendly with both India & Pakistan then why cannot india be friendly with both US & Russia
  5. Abhiras

    Our Hero Is Raja Dahir Not Muhammad Bin Qasim, Haji Adeel- ANP

    Indian Muslims are more happy , more secular & in the better condition then in you are...They are giving their part to make India second fastest major growing economy around the globe.. Jab vo ghar se bahur jaate hai,toh bomb fatne kii chinta nhi karte
  6. Abhiras

    Kashmir pact was just a signature away

    I think this solution is unacceptable....It could give wrong signal to other states.....Other states may also ask for some anatomy....which is against Integration of India... I think we should maintain status quo & peace should be encouraged by sweeping out the terrorism
  7. Abhiras

    India Pakistan Comparison 2010

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Even we can show you some of the videos of your country........ Do you really think that these videos represent 1/6 of the humanity ?
  8. Abhiras

    India Pakistan Comparison 2010

    Cannot you see your country first ????
  9. Abhiras

    Defence.pk Online Support

    Gmail or Ymail is the order of the day..
  10. Abhiras

    Pakistan Should Increase it's Defence Budget to Atleast 20 Billion dollars

    We cannot........ we have too be self sufficient in food first......we have to feeding 1.2billion people......Agriculture must be first priority...more then 60% people are engagen in agriculture ...We have to produce more states of Punjab..... In 1970s & after Punjabi farmers started...
  11. Abhiras

    Drop in GDP reflects significant problems in the world economy

    The india & china rose in these difficult year & that too in great style
  12. Abhiras

    India may Drop Russia Completely

    Relations with India have always been and I am sure will be one of the most important foreign policy priorities of our country. Our mutual ties of friendship are filled with sympathy, and trust, and openness. And we must say frankly that they were never overshadowed by disagreements or conflict...
  13. Abhiras

    India may Drop Russia Completely

    Russia is the old & best friend of India....
  14. Abhiras


    Thanks S.U.R.B. More then million candidates are giving exam tomorrow for about 12,000 seats in prestigious engineering colleges across India...
  15. Abhiras


    AIEEE tommorow....:undecided::undecided::undecided::undecided: Hopefully i will get seat in NIT in my city :argh::argh::argh::argh:
  16. Abhiras

    Pakistan Should Increase it's Defence Budget to Atleast 20 Billion dollars

    449.3 billion may be your gdp-ppp.....It is just relevent in pakistani market...& when you are talking about international market your GDP is just around 160 billion$ even in india there is huge diff. between PPP & nominal
  17. Abhiras

    Kashmir pact was just a signature away

    Can you summarize the formula in 2-3 lines....i could not get the formula after reading the Txt
  18. Abhiras

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    What imported ?? have you heard of indian Article 370 ????
  19. Abhiras

    India Must Make Peace With Pakistan to Stop Terrorism

    He was just a suspect in Samjhauta Express bombings until the Indian and U.S. governments announced that Pakistani infiltrators were more likely suspects.
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