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  1. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    I don't think the PLA will be that stupid by not equipping it with an anti-jamming system on board.
  2. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    I guess we are.
  3. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    What make you think that the Europeans might not be ahead already in such technology. Never underestimate the human mind!:azn:
  4. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    Maybe, you should start learning more about electromagnetism, radiation and waves.:azn:
  5. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    Have u ever ask yourself why you hear a lot about Global Warming recently?:azn:
  6. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    Do u know anything about mutation! Maybe you should.
  7. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    There is a lot of misinformation campaigns out there to make people believe they come from aliens. I hope he is trolling
  8. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    If you believe, you are from extraterrestrials, you been brainwashed!
  9. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    Let me give u a hint: Water.
  10. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    What are u laughing at?
  11. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    Like I said, we are already far ahead in that particular matter. We know what you're looking for! Don't think you're the only one digging!
  12. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    We already working on that. You should know that nuclear science already opened a lot of door to us that we never thought were possible. For example "Quantum Mechanics" which, BTW, Canada is already deep into such subject.
  13. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    We can help you with that.:azn:
  14. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    We already took most of your previous stuff regarding this affair. BTW, we already far ahead of you in that matter.
  15. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    That shows where deep we are! isn't?
  16. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    Let me guess, Shanghai!
  17. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    What country! We see the world as our country from the very beginning!<UNITED STATES> does that tell you something!
  18. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    From the money system that we created!! :cheesy:
  19. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    Why do u think we are in Libya for! Why do u think Iran will be our next target! And all those previous great powers like yours have to understand that we(West) don't like it that way! We want you to fully adopt our way of life(Taiwan).
  20. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    We already in you life. You wear our stuff, starting to live like us, even think like us. We already deep inside of you! No need to use force, our soft power can easily do the job. This is our time!
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