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  1. M

    China order 123 AL-31

    Well, it seems China will be stock in copying Russian technologies rather than to start jumping to something more innovative and reliable.
  2. M

    China order 123 AL-31

    So why isn't China building something like this(below) since it has the money and the engineers. http://haripetrov.com/chitanka/site/content/img/3e/15908/haunebu_II.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/farinihouseoflove/4222448218/in/photostream/...
  3. M

    China order 123 AL-31

    No reliable engine!
  4. M

    China order 123 AL-31

    this story might proves once again that China isn't capable to build a reliable jet engine for its jets, so, how long is it going take?. Or, could it be for something else as China is trying to make SCO more cooperative.
  5. M

    Is China Researching Particle Exterminator?

    There is no such things as alien technology, it's all humans made. Why are you underestimating human capabilities to think beyond and innovate through their environments! While, it's one of many capabilities that differentiate us to the other species as far as I know. Remember Germany in the...
  6. M

    Prahaar-new short-range tactical missile

    India will definitely represent a serious challenge to China in the region. Who knows, it might be the same to us in the far future after dealing with China.
  7. M

    Chinese Airforce Activities in South China Sea Revealed [Translated]

    To easy target for China even with upgrades by TW.
  8. M

    Chinese Airforce Activities in South China Sea Revealed [Translated]

    What will happen to Taiwan, if with we sell them some F-35s ? What might your Gov. do?
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    Chinese Airforce Activities in South China Sea Revealed [Translated]

    I heard that Taiwan has better C4ISR than yours, is it true?
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    Chinese Airforce Activities in South China Sea Revealed [Translated]

    I like you guys sense of humor, you are funny!
  11. M

    Chinese Airforce Activities in South China Sea Revealed [Translated]

    I shall remind you, that the whole 1972 Vietnam war was an experiment practice and learning experience. One of them, was the testing of our weather modification technologies on board of our airplane by our air force in one your village in the jungle. I presume that the PRC might already have...
  12. M

    Nato caused ‘Rs110bn damage to roads’

    I see a lack of transparency here. Those informations i previuosly posted before are easy to find, everybody knows that FAS(Federations of American Scientist) and CFR( Council of Foreign Relations) are renowned and respectable american think tanks. Check out for yourself: Research and...
  13. M

    Chinese troops have been equipped with WZ-10 helicopter gunships

    Wasn't that the same "ptldM3" who was laughing at ChineseTiger1986's comments relating to his extraterrestrial claims! BTW, we know that the Russians are undergoing a large military build up around the mountains. We already know about your new weapons systems, no need to hide them from us. I...
  14. M

    China's answer to RQ-4 Global Hawk

    Are you telling me that we actually flew that thing over your head and that you have no defense against it! So, I guess we will invade you guys sooner than later before you guys come up with a deterrent!
  15. M

    China's " big fat target " for USN

    If what you mentioned is right. It's mean, that those dragons are the ones responsible for our current way of live, which mean they might be still running around!
  16. M

    China's answer to RQ-4 Global Hawk

    Yeah! Do u have any idea of WHAT that could be?
  17. M

    China's answer to RQ-4 Global Hawk

    Yeah! Do u have any idea of WHAT that could be?
  18. M

    China's answer to RQ-4 Global Hawk

    BTW, "Implosion engines" are more suitable for space. China might not be that advanced enough in the study of "iron thrusters" than Japan already did. I don't think China is ready for such technology yet; especially in the field of "Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)".
  19. M

    China's answer to RQ-4 Global Hawk

    What is this?
  20. M

    China's answer to RQ-4 Global Hawk

    Can China DF-21d or it's future UAV/UCAVs be a real threat when we can effectively put them at risk before they can even reach the upper atmosphere? Well, it' probable! AvengerC X-47b
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