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  1. S

    Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

    hahahaha acha bhai peecha chor diya, enjoy your week. :wave:
  2. S

    Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

    I went through your source and the closest thing to what you are saying is this part, What you allege is based entirely on some guy from a think thank says? that whole page actually is a copy of the wikipedia page.
  3. S

    Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

    lol okay. Here is the link i was talking about. A.Q. Khan
  4. S

    Russian hostage rescue. Awesome

    lol I just noticed that he sorta gets thrown away on the right. I thought he was gonna smash the window too and then I was like holy crap !!!!
  5. S

    Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

    Actually no, he is not. lets not lie now. He was accused of stealing the blueprints by the Dutch and his conviction was overturned. you cant stick a nuclear centrifuge in your pocket. I can stick a REAL source in your face and show you that you are not telling the truth. And the same case...
  6. S

    Russian hostage rescue. Awesome

    does anyone see what happens to the guy who makes that explosion? he sort of disappears.
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    The Real Story Behind the U.S.-India Nuclear Deal

    umm ... probably because India was giving the Soviets a naval base during the cold war?? and because untill 1992 Indian policies were protectionist and what the U.S. would call socialist and slightly communist even. It was after 1992 when India almost went bankrupt that they opened up...
  8. S

    An Israeli tail wagging an American dog

    To be honest, the tail has been wagging the dog for a long while. Its just that during the Bush Administration we didnt really confront the Israelis to get them on the "peace process." I do also think this is a very smart move by the Obama administration by making this public. This gets a...
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    New generation spacecraft

    nice. I see Russians too have been busy going full throttle towards the space.
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    Zaid Hamid commentary

    Honestly, I dont care about the religious discussions because I am not well versed in that subject. But I am with you, I have authenticated some of the stuff he has said in his videos myself. I dont really care what some of the people here think about Zaid Hamid because most of them have...
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    US-Pak negotiations on nuclear cooperation?

    All the Indo-Pak bickering aside, you are right. There was a time when our region had 25% of the world's GDP flowing through it. It would be awesome to get it back.
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    Brave Pakistani Couple

    those videos are bad a*s
  13. S

    Did China provide a nuke weapon blueprint to Pakistan?

    First of all, I do not get why this conversation after almost a decade and a half of Pakistan becoming a nuclear power??? Secondly, If China gave Pakistan the nuclear weapons blueprint then why do people accuse Dr Abdul Qadeer for stealing the blueprints?? I can either be one or the...
  14. S

    India seeking cluster bombs from US

    I thought cluster bombs were illegal
  15. S

    Will India join USA to strike China?

    and to the topic itself, NO. I do not think India will join US to strike China. The only slightly concievable scenario I see is only if NATO was involved. Even then it is highly unlikely. China isnt Iraq or Afghanistan. and I think Indians follow a very smart and cunning strategy of diplomatic...
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    Tution or Cheating, Which Is Better?

    India does have a lot of grudges on its East, well actually all around its borders to be honest. But, I believe Japan will try to keep the Indo-Jap relationship simmering because this gives Japan access to another huge market and especially to one where they have a big technological leverage...
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    LeT group of savages needs to be crushed: US lawmakers

    an easier fix, lets try not being Islamophobic and racist. how about that?? We all know the demographic statistics of Muslims in India. Wasnt there a recent report a few months that said that Muslims in India now are worse off than the low caste Hindus. here is the link BTW...
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    Will India join USA to strike China?

    I too can speak basic chinese. That doesnt prove anything. You tell everyone that you are only ethnically Chinese but are thoroughly Australian Bred. And yet you feel the need to lecture other Chinese contributors over the decorum they should use the flag of their own country whenever they...
  19. S

    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    Actually it was the BBC BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Threat' to EU-Burma embargo try reading a couple of posts before running your mouth, this is like the 10th time i am having to repost this link.
  20. S

    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    well this BK117 grape is made in europe I think the only thing not made in europe is the pilot. lol lol yes it has a lot of buttons. Unfortunetly for you, those buttons are from germany(number 3 on the pic). hahaha
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