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  1. S

    Jewish girl tries to criticise Dr. Norman Finkelstein

    was there a lecture preceeding this? p.s. nevermind
  2. S

    Indian surgical strikes: PAF strategy prevented India

    i think its ability and testicular fortitude that prevented those indian "surgical strikes" its laughable to think indians think they have the ability to strike let along surgically.
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    says who? the person who thought it wasnt even a word?
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    Arjun News & Discussions

    Finally a voice of reason. :tup: And the news source is a blogger.
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    You did not know it was a word, and yet you would like to tell us how to use it properly? well, atleast you had no objections to me calling you a door knob.
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    Arjun News & Discussions

    I dont have an anti-India attitude. My best friend here in the U.S. is an Indian. No joke. The only difference is that he isnt delusional. You cant tell me you never read any news that said Arjun was a complete failure. I can even post those news papers here. And to now say its the best tank...
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    Arjun News & Discussions

    Bhai, If all that was true. Why then Indian Airforce still doesnt want it?? Simple question hahahahaha, that really made me laugh. :cheers:
  8. S

    Arjun News & Discussions

    You personally are not saying best best best but the two videos posted in this thread use the word "best" and so do a lot of the articles posted here and also some contributors say its the best. I am not saying call it useless if it out ran T-90. As i said, if you give me constant development...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    this is completely off topic but ill reply anyways, From your post, it is YOU who is equating bharat-rakshak to yourself and to all Indians. I am not. Yes, I insulted that forum because I hate it. I really do. Ive been to that forum and I hate it. The reason I suggested Ilhuang go to BK...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    I am all for it. and to be honest, we have already beaten this topic to death.
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    Because Iluang is being deceptive and dishonest. He continues to argue with me over something for which I have repeatedly provided evidence to the contrary and what You, I and other Indian contributors already agree upon regarding Dhruv. And just now he was saying that I questioned the IQ of...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    Then You and I agree, so what are you even arguing about??
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    Yes and it says nothing about your IQ or Indian IQ or Pakistani IQ. you are simply clamping onto the word "IQ."
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    Yes it is, you illiterate door knob. Wrongly - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary If you had the ability to construct a thought which stayed with you for a period longer than the time it took you to write that second sentence, you might have understood why I...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    How did I start anything? I wasnt the one who started talking about IQs of Pakistanis or Indians, YOU DID THAT. The whole conversation of this thread is about Dhruv. and in all honesty everyone already knows its the BK117. I am not even saying anything that should be controversial. I expected...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    You are flying all over the place like the plane that you are named after. Try flying in a straight line. First you brought something about IQs and now you are talking about bharat-rakshak and you say BBC is my favorite source and Pakistan is in the top 10 failed states list. All the...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    I am sorry, WHAT?!? I know your command is english language is better than "LCA Tejas" because he is probably studying in Russia or something. So is this a attempt at blatent dishonesty? How did my post in ANY WAY, question the intelligence of the Indian people as a whole?? p.s...
  18. S

    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    firstly, your command of the english language isnt what you think it is and your critical reasoning is even worse. and secondly, do you mean this list? Top 100 People with High IQ @ Dago7.Com because I hate to break it to you sunshine, Indians arent on that list either. and...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    THE VERY FIRST POST OF THIS THREAD GIVES THE BBC LINK. BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Threat' to EU-Burma embargo Not only that, this is the second time of me replying and letting you know its the BBC reporting this. Please tell me why the heck are you even on this forum? All I have seen...
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    Foreign components in India's ALH (Dhruv)

    if both countries buy helis from other countries. explain how that makes one country better than the other?
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