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  1. S

    Embrace India, not Pakistan, says US columnist

    "official Pakistani gov poilicy in 80s and 90s," huh? I would like you to provide some proof for this. oh and BTW, this Christopher Hitchens guy is the same drunkard limey turd who refered to the comedian Wanda Sykes as "that black dyke." He is the one of the most vile and hateful...
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    Pakistan and Israel

    hahahahahaha, big talk for one of the poorest nation in the world, one of the highest recipiant of aid in the entire world, with more poverty than the entire continent of Africa, with more Aids ridden people than anywhere else in the world. where, people such as you, cannot wait to get the...
  3. S

    Indian indigenous conventional ucav RUSTOM

    Rustom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia hahahahahahahahaha ......... :lol::lol:
  4. S

    India's Propaganda 'Ingenuity'.

    YESS !!!!!! this was one of the news i was refering to. nice find. i dont know about that. the Pakistani army sure as hell doesnt do this kind of stuff.
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    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    i dont know how long youve been in the u.s. but apprently your grasp of the english language isnt all that strong. give it time.
  6. S

    India's Propaganda 'Ingenuity'.

    HAHAHA like i said, keep your panties on. I am not talking about the kargil war, and yes Indians finally did uncover it. I am not blaming them for it, I was just refering to those instances in context of this news article.
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    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    OH jee really??? please tell us all from what perspective wiping out of native Indians not constitute brutality? The Americans have the balls to admit it, I wonder why an Indian wants to be such an apologist for war crimes and instances of massacres? the bolded portion made me...
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    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    not when your regime is widely considered to be one of the worst and most brutal regimes of the past three or four centuries. I dont like to quote wikipedia and this isnt about the information on this wikipedia but if your country's crimes are numerous enough and attrocious enough to warrent...
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    India's Propaganda 'Ingenuity'.

    I am talking about those soldiers who were given medals and then found that the enounters were fake. it was all over the indian news. there was another one where they gave a medal to another guy who they thought had died in combat and then he was found alive.
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    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    I can honestly give you 10 more sources in 5 mins. this issue is something that everyone knows of and has been written extensively about, hence is widely available everywhere so its not even an issue. that is why i keep saying, the russian attrocities in Chechneya and Afghanistan is something...
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    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    I will make it easy for you, just stop now and save your conscience. this is something that isnt in argument. its a simple clearly known fact that the entire world is aware of. The russians commited massacres and attrocities wherever they went. They have commited so many killings, rapes...
  12. S

    India's Propaganda 'Ingenuity'.

    this is funny. it ties into their "fake encounters" during kargil upon which they were giving out medals of honor to their military.
  13. S

    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    okay now you are just pissing me off. Home / Headlines / Casualties and War Crimes in Afghanistan - Media Monitors Network (MMN) The whole world knows what kind of atrocities they commited in Afghanistan and for you to start to argue against is just f'ing dispicable. I was going to...
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    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    lol i know its comedic. and others on the site were going "oh that is bad ***," like they were visualizing a video game. this is rich. they lost because of a "lack of POLITICAL will." Lack of political will in the most communist of regimes? one that would forcefully shift its ethnic...
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    The Bear And The Other Side Of The Mountain

    "Intersting" isnt the word i would use to describe the "discussion" or that website. One, there isnt really any discussion there. Its hearsay superman stories. "some guy used to go out at nights with just a knife in his hand and would kill 24 people a night and then come sleep for 2 hours...
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