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    India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

    Firstly, do you expect pakistan to produce engineers where small children are given fanatic lessons in madarsas and your mind is always concentrated on destroying India. You'll always need someone's help in tech. Secondly, India always gave out a friendly hand and sent buses instead of sending...
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    India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

    What do you mean by "comapritively stronger". Pakistan was nowhere near the India defence and everyone knows that they get their weapons as US and Chinese donations. And forget Kashmir. Kashmir can never be yours. Its ruler signed to join the Indian Union and if you think that any Muslim...
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    India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

    What do you think that the Spyder anf Falken systems that we have got from Israel are for? Do you think any Tom, Dick and Harry from pakistan will just fire a missile or will do an air attack anytime and we wont come 2 know about it. We will come to know as soon as any fighter takes of from the...
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    India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

    So do you expect the BSF to reply with knives. It is pakistan's army that first starts firing at Indian posts to divert hteir attention while the terrorists can get in the Indian border. With these war machines they will (or atleat you army) will think twice before doing all this.:sniper:
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    India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

    India's missile fall bcoz success and failures are part of experiments. India develops its indigeneous missile technology and does not copy the technology of others shamelessly like China or does not get technology as donation like Pakistan. Pak and Chinese missiles do not fall bcoz they must...
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    India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

    You kindly dont believe. I was surprised to find that most pakistanis have an illusion that they won the 1965 and the 1999 Kargil war with India. So any more wrong facts from pakistan do not surprise me. It was not Nehru but the Chinese premier Zhou Enlai responsible for the war. Even the...
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    India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

    Chinese missiles and Chinese products have one common thing they are "Made in China" and this phrase reminds us of only one thing "cheap and no warranty/guarantee":tdown:
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