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  1. P

    Ram Jethmalani's comments anger Saudi ambassador

    Oh Boo Hoo stop whining. Jethmalani probably didn't win any Saudi friends with that statement, but for Allah's sake. What a pathetic whiny thread.
  2. P

    PEACE TV scholar abuses Pakistan

    Hmm. Majority opinion here seems to suggest that Pakistan would be better off if the speaker's ideas were implemented. Perhaps a fully Islamic Pakistan will take away the raison d'etre of the TTP.
  3. P

    PEACE TV scholar abuses Pakistan

    Why are these morons allowed in India.
  4. P

    Indian troops’ real face in Congo on UN peacekeeping mission

    Lets see...Indian troops rape congolese women.....Indian brahmins rape dalit women...Congolese suffer racial discrimination in Delhi.....Kashmiris killed by Indian troops......India has 3000000 insurgencies......Hinduism is weird and strange and pagan.....India is evil country.... (Did I...
  5. P

    Why are Pak missiles named after foreign invaders?

    Oh, of course not. You create a whole country on the basis of that pseudo-science to keep the "non-martial" Hindus out. :lol: Whether you are he or she is irrelevant to the discussion.
  6. P

    Why are Pak missiles named after foreign invaders?

    LOL.....what's this nonsense about martial races? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Jana is constantly lecturing Indians about caste discrimination, and here he is, openly talking about "martial races" and "non martial races".
  7. P

    Why are Pak missiles named after foreign invaders?

    What a childish discussion. Of course, it doesn't matter that those glorious muslim invaders raped and pillaged Pakistan first before venturing into India. After the conversion to Islam, all the crimes are forgotten. They are part of the "team" now.
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    Swat people happy with anti-Taliban banners

    I wonder what the Tribal Lashkars will do now.
  9. P

    Sane Indian Cautions Against "Unconcealed Delight"

    Indian support fort terrorists in East Pakistan No doubt, India sponsored an insurgency in East Pakistan, but I feel that under the circumstances it was justified. I also feel that you cannot draw a parallel between East Pakistan and Kashmir, because there was no widespread torture and...
  10. P

    Sane Indian Cautions Against "Unconcealed Delight"

    You should do some soul searching over your nations violation of its commitment to the UNSC resolutions and the continued occupation of a people in J&K, with tens of thousands raped, murdered and tortured to suppress their agitation in support of their right to plebsicite as granted by the UNSC...
  11. P

    Sane Indian Cautions Against "Unconcealed Delight"

    I think nobody in India is happy about the suffering of common folk in Pakistan. However, many Indians do feel what can be termed "poetic justice" that Pakistan (as a country, not as a people) is suffering the consequences of its own actions. This can be easily misinterpreted as a...
  12. P

    Sane Indian Cautions Against "Unconcealed Delight"

    Of course we hate the Pakistani establishment. There's not a shred of doubt about it. The government doesn't need to "brainwash" us. The death of Indian soldiers in Kashmir for the last 2 decades, and the various Pakistani-sponsored terrorists causing mayhem in Indian cities is enough cause for...
  13. P

    Once we were kings

    They wore sarees in Pakistan back then?
  14. P

    Top Arab TTP Planner captured in Punjab

    Hell will freeze over before the Pakistani government dares to raise its voice against Saudi Arabia or any middle-eastern country. Whoever does that will become an outcast in both public and the religious establishment. Outcast is a mild term, he will probably be hunted like an animal.
  15. P

    TTP Video Release Fighting PA - Uzbek Leader Indoctrinating Children and Naive Tribal

    ^Explain? Clearly the hand of RAW, MOSSAD and CIA is behind this. They paid money to this Uzbek to come to Pakistan and indoctrinate children. :angry:
  16. P

    Bomb hits Pakistan's spy agency in northwest

    Do you realize the implications of what you are saying? What is happening in Pakistan right now is terrible, heinous and....I have no words for such terrible suffering. Do you realize the amount of sheer blind hatred (hatred is too mild a word) you are creating by sitting silently by while your...
  17. P

    Scribes who helped trace Kasab's family held

    Shocking, but not surprising. Journalists are routinely targeted and/or threatened by agencies.
  18. P

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    About time.
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