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  1. RedBaron

    Lets send Taliban to MAQBOZA KASHMIR

    This is yet another rant, completely unrelated to the original suggestion about "guiding" the Taliban to Indian Kashmir. I have comented on why the Taliban themselves will not enter Indian Kashmir even if you force them to, so have nothing more to say on the matter.
  2. RedBaron

    Lets send Taliban to MAQBOZA KASHMIR

    What makes you think this was not tried before? Camps in Afghanistan during the Taliban regime in the 90's routinely trained Afghan Taliban alongside Kashmiri terrorists who were then sent to Indian Kashmir. Not many returned alive, I'm pretty sure the Kashmir Valley is littered with unmarked...
  3. RedBaron

    Militants shoot down US drone in S. Waziristan: officials

    Many forum members praying for a US defeat in Afghanistan are leading comfortable lives right here among us in the USA, perfectly law-abiding tax-paying citizens I'm sure. It would not take much effort on their part to do some research on this complex issue before spewing their rhetoric...
  4. RedBaron

    Accusations and Counter Accusation

    I partly agree with Haider here. Its obvious Zardari's gov't and Pakistan Army are working together to combat terror within their borders. In this scenario, think sabre-rattling by India does not help matters. If the ruling UPA thinks they can win more votes by doing that, they are mistaken, the...
  5. RedBaron

    Lahore 'attackers identified'

    The Lahore investigation is conducted by all the top agencies in your country including Military Intelligence, FIA and surely has inputs from ISI as well. Don't you trust any of them? Which agency would you appoint to do the job? Just curious...
  6. RedBaron

    Documentary on Pakistan and Taliban by ABC

    Durran3, thank you for the post. Along with the Al-Jazeera one by Rageh Omar (Pakistan's War), this film ranks up there with the best. The thread deserves Stickie status.. It's remarkable to see the courage of the Pakhtoon journos who live and work in that cauldron. Also, the brave young girl...
  7. RedBaron

    China Stood For Pakistan

    Sure, but its harder IMO. The problem with the McMahon line is the absence of a face-saving solution for both countries. It's a zero-sum game. Unlike Kashmir, which is divided between the two countries, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim are entirely governed by India. GoI hence may not be eager for...
  8. RedBaron

    China Stood For Pakistan

    Good point. Consider this: Kashmir being the core issue between India and Pakistan, let's assume the back-channel diplomacy resumes and an agreement is reached between GoP and GoI. This would most likely be a compromise agreement involving open borders similar to borders between EU nations...
  9. RedBaron

    World Armies - India

    You have mentioned some deep-rooted problems which have no easy solutions and may indeed get worse. IMO the Indian Armed Forces have grown over the years to a size that is unwieldy and unmanageable, mainly because of the antiquated structure of the Indian armed forces combined with chronic...
  10. RedBaron

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    This has nothing to do with border security, which is not fool-proof anywhere in the world. The question is: what does a foreign intelligence agency need to successfully cause instability in a local country? The answer: a large group of people with an agenda in line with the foreign govt's...
  11. RedBaron

    India's Revenge: RAW Attacks Cricketers in Pakistan

    I doubt RAW has been so successful that it has agents in SWAT, NWFP and now in Lahore city. Of course the RAW angle will be fully investigated by GoP as it should be. I doubt anything will come out of it, though. On the other hand, one can immediately spot the similarities in the...
  12. RedBaron

    Attack on Srilankan cricket team in Lahore

    - First off, this is a monumental tragedy not only for Pakistani cricket, but for the sporting community in the whole subcontinent. Mumbai attacks, Lahore attacks, BD/SL instability affect not just the countries affected, but also increase the risk profile of the entire subcontinent. E.g. ranked...
  13. RedBaron

    World Armies - India

    An old article from Debka about Green Pine deployment and Israeli tech support in Kashmir during 2001 tensions. DEBKAfile - India Deploys Israeli Hi-Tech War Equipment in War Preparations
  14. RedBaron

    Pakistan Stumps Us Again

    As I indicated in a separate thread, I'm actually flexible to the idea of "irrelevant" borders in Kashmir with the provision that LOC is converted to a formal IB. I've seen such a model working beautifully in EU during my travels. I'm not averse to Pakistani families shopping in Srinagar, if...
  15. RedBaron

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    I heard this statement before, maybe from PM Singh...I love the idea because I've seen how beautifully it works during my frequent EU travels. :tup: Maybe some day Pakistani tourists can shop in Srinagar and I can plan a hike to K2 base camp, always loved K2. Everyone gains...:) Provided...
  16. RedBaron

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    - Kashmir is a tri-partite issue: Kashmir, Pakistan, India. N. Ireland and Scotland were both bilateral. - The divisions are much deeper and older due to both nations being divided along religious lines. - German joint governance by Allied forces was limited, and was a result of WWII. Berlin...
  17. RedBaron

    India releases details of nine dead Mumbai gunmen

    Whoa....hold your horses, soldier...take a deep breath and follow the below steps: 1> First introduce yourself in the newbie section. 2> Spend sometime reading not just the WoT section but other sections also. 3> Choose your debates wisely, and substantiate your posts with links, references...
  18. RedBaron

    India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

    AM...I see you have stopped mentioning the T-word (Taliban) when talking about Indian support for terror in your last few posts. Baluchistan appears more often. Do I sense a subtle shift, maybe a realization that Indians may be involved with BLA but not with TTP/Swat-Taliban? :lol: Just...
  19. RedBaron

    World Armies - India

    This is definitely THE space to watch for new developments. Acquiring situational awareness enabling all IAF and IA assets within a battlegroup to "see" the same battlefield in real-time is a critical success factor for any Cold Start strategy. Page 6 of the below report on NCW fundamentals has...
  20. RedBaron

    World Armies - India

    WILCO. Don't mean to derail Fatman-sir's endeavor. :police:
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